
Santa Clara University

School of Education and Counseling Psychology Department of Education

EDUC 291-01 Social Science Methods

HAROLD JULES HOYLE, PH.D. Loyola Hall 120M Phone 408-551-6010 Office Hours: Tues, 7-8 PM

Mission and Goals of the Department of Education

The mission of the Department of Education is to prepare professionals of competence, conscience, and compassion, who will promote the common good as they transform lives, schools, and communities. Rooted in the Jesuit tradition at Santa Clara University, core values of reflective practice, scholarship, diversity, ethical conduct, social justice, and collaboration guide both theory and practice.

Department of Education goals:

    1. To prepare professionals who will work competently with individuals who have a variety of strengths; experiences and challenges, those with diverse backgrounds, and those in greatest need;

    2. To develop positive habits of mind, identify and apply best practices in the field, and engage in critical reflection on practice;

    3. To demonstrate mastery-level knowledge and skills in teaching and learning; and

    4. To become leaders sensitive to the ethical and social consequences of their decisions.


Course Description

These courses are designed to enable single subject credential candidates to develop the pedagogical content knowledge necessary to teach their specific academic subject effectively to all students. Special attention is paid to developing candidates’ ability to use Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) skills to give all students equitable access to curriculum content. All single subject credential candidates are required to take the Methods I and Methods II block in the content area aligned with the credential they are seeking. Single subject credential candidates in art, music, and physical education should enroll in the social sciences methods course block. Enrollment in these courses requires successful completion of EDUC 282 and concurrent enrollment in EDUC 298 and EDUC 299 or employment as a full time teacher in a Catholic school.

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This course is a prerequisite for EDUC 292.

Course Objectives – Academic Learning Goals

ED 291 students will develop the skills and dispositions necessary to:

1) To become familiar with the scope and sequence of the content of secondary standards in terms of content

and processes based on state and national standards, focusing on a balanced approach that addresses all

aspects of academic proficiency and literacy.

2) To think carefully about what students need to learn and the implications for teaching practice and

instructional design, including adaptations of instructional texts and use of various technologies to meet the

instructional needs of diverse learners (e.g., English learners, Students with special needs). 3) To utilize strategies to assess student learning throughout the learning process.

4) To begin to understand what it means to be a reflective practitioner.

5) To plan and implement lessons within a unit plan that reflects the above objectives.

6) To join and engage with a professional organization for social science teachers.

Course Components


The course objectives/academic learning goals align with the goals, objectives, and expectations of the Santa Clara University and California Departments of Education, as illustrated in the table below:

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A Note about Teaching Performance Assessments (TPAs): The TPAs assure that teacher candidates have the knowledge, skills and abilities required of beginning public school teachers in California and are based on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession as exemplified in the Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs). The tasks, which fall in four categories (Subject-Specific Pedagogy; Designing Instruction; Assessing Learning; Culminating Teaching Experience), are embedded within the teacher preparation program, and all but one are done with actual K-12 students.


Weekly Readings and Assignments 25%

Course participants will complete assignments tied to weekly topics, including responses to readings as well as practice in: facilitating discussions, giving feedback, looking at student work, and doing a demonstration of hands-on learning techniques. As these assignments will form the basis of in-class activities, they must be completed before class. Details for all assignments will be posted on the course website. Bring a hard copy of each completed assignment to class.

Lesson Cycle Portfolio 60%

This project offers you the opportunity to practice planning, teaching (“enacting” per TPA language), reflecting on, and learning from the lessons you create for students. This project also allows you to demonstrate your developing capabilities in relation to the California Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs). See the Lesson Cycle Portfolio Project Description document.

Assessment Project 15%

This project gives you the opportunity to focus on formative assessment in the classroom. Building on your ED 291 work, this assignment involves you practicing formative assessment tools/activities and reflecting on their use.

The professional conduct requirement includes the 5 dimensions described below:

Participation ED 291 students will engage in respectful, thoughtful participation in class activities

and discussion - as evidenced in their speaking, listening, and writing. Students should take responsibility for their own learning and support the learning of their peers.

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Responsible Use of Technology


Class assignments must be completed before the class session in which they are due so everyone can participate fully in class activities. Students should bring all relevant course materials and a hard copy of written assignments to class. In the event of an absence, assignments are still due per course outline.

Email and our ANGEL website will be our primary means of communication outside of class. You must check your SCU email account every day to ensure you maintain a connection with your classmates and me.

Electronic devices will be used only in ways directly related to ED 291 class activities in progress. Phones should be stored away and silent; computers and PDAs should be used only in direct support of the class activity in progress.

Attendance. Regular attendance at all class meetings is a requirement in this program. For each class session you miss, 10 percentage points will be deducted from your final grade for the course. Each of you will be granted one Emergency Release (ER). Your ER excuses you from one class session with half the grade penalty (loss of 5 percentage points instead of 10). To use your ER you must notify me by email or phone BEFORE class. Save your ER for medical issues, family demands, car trouble, etc.

Students will not be penalized for absences due to the observance of religious holidays that fall on our scheduled class day; please give me advance notice of these absences so I can make the necessary accommodations. All other absences are unexcused and will affect your grade.

Punctuality. Coming to class (and returning from breaks) on time and ready to learn is another course requirement. When you arrive, please sign in using the sheet provided. Your first lateness will be excused; your second lateness will cause 1 percentage point to be deducted from your final course grade; your third lateness will cause an additional 4 percentage points to be deducted. More than three late arrivals indicate a serious problem; this situation will be dealt with at my discretion.

Note: Points lost due to poor attendance and/or lack of punctuality are deducted from your final grade. A student with excellent grades on assignments and other aspects of professional conduct can earn a poor course grade as a result of excessive absence or chronic lateness.

Attendance and punctuality are the only policies with the immediate potential to impact your course grades. However, your instructors gather data documenting your adherence to the remaining policies listed here through ongoing observation and documentation. These data are a primary factor in our program’s assessment of your mastery of TPE 12- “Professional, ethical, and legal obligations.”

If I feel you are not meeting all the expectations spelled out below, I will contact you privately to discuss the issue, to clarify the expectations as needed, and to offer my support in helping you reach those expectations. If I do not contact you with a concern, you can assume you are satisfying these requirements. However, if you would like specific feedback on your professional conduct during the quarter, you are welcome to contact me at any time and I will be glad to share my assessment with you.

Absence from class. Because so much of the course content is learned through participation in class activities and learning experiences, it is not possible to make up for missing a class session. However, there are ways you can engage with the content, join the conversation, and try to fill the knowledge gaps that are the result of your absence. If you must miss a

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class session, do the following things:

1. Complete and submit on time all assignments due for the class session

2. Download and review the PowerPoint presentation and any handouts and discussion notes from class (all posted on Camino)

3. Talk with your classmates to get their sense of the main “take-aways” of the session.

This course is grounded in the premise that students are intrinsically motivated to deepen their thinking and enrich their teaching. With diligence and the support of instructors and peers, all students have the potential to earn outstanding grades. Student work will be graded according to the criteria specified on the rubrics for each assignment. The following guidelines drive the scores on all of the assignment rubrics.

Grading will be criterion referenced. This means that grades are based on the quality of work and professional conduct, rather than how one student’s work compares to that of his/her peers. Grade concerns will be addressed individually outside of class time. Students should contact their instructors via email as soon as a concern arises.

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4-point scale equivalent Letter grade equivalent


Social Science Methods

Readings will either be made available on Camino (ANGEL) or distributed in class.

Historical book of your choice. Instructor with discuss the first night of class. Book presentations will be part of this activity.

Available via the Internet:

California Content Standards for Social Studies, National Standards for Social Studies, California Social Studies Framework.

Course Website

Access our Camino (ANGEL) website via

Additional Information

Disability Accommodations: Students needing accommodation for a disability should contact Disabilities Resources at 408-554-4109 (voice) or 408-554-5445 (TDD) (ECP Graduate Bulletin, 2009-2010).

Academic Integrity: The University is committed to academic excellence and integrity. Students are expected to do their own work and to cite any sources they use. A student who is guilty of dishonest acts in an examination, paper, or other required work for a course, or who assists others in such acts, will receive a grade of F for the course. In addition, a student guilty of dishonest acts may be immediately dismissed from the University. Students that violate copyright laws, including those covering the copying of software programs, or who knowingly alter official academic records from this or any other institution, are subject to disciplinary action (ECP Graduate Bulletin, 2009-2010).

Need help writing? The Drahmann Advising Center (214 Benson: 554-4318) offers a variety of services, such as evening, drop-in tutoring. For more details and drop-in hours, please visit:

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Subject to change. Changes will be communicated via the course website and/or email.

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