Tizri's Page

Issue 1 contributions:

Kate Takes on Student as Apprentice 

Tizri Z, a local student at New Vista High has been taken under the wing of Biology teacher Kate. At first glance, it looks like any other normal peer teaching CE, but for Tizri it is anything but. Class time is spent standing off to one side looking important, passing out papers, and occasionally answering questions that students deem suitable for her to respond to. 

“She makes me stay in every single lunch!” the young woman was heard complaining last Tuesday. “Okay, well, she only makes me stay in Tuesdays and Fridays, and I don’t have a seminar anyways, but still.” The girl then proceeded to open her laptop in a huff, making vague noises about ‘having to work on [her] culminating project’. 

One anonymous student claims they’ve watched Tizri on her long lunch hour spent in Kate’s room almost every day.

“She just sits there,browsing that weird Tumblr website or something, occasionally clapping or giggling to herself. At the end of lunch, she sets up the chairs and arranges the name tags, muttering.” The student lowered their voice to a whisper. “I think she may have gone off the deep end. Students just aren’t meant to teach.”

Some things are Happening, I Guess?

    I don’t know man... stuff is happening or has happened in New Vista, or it might not be. Actually, it probably is happening or has happened. Who even knows anymore. Someone said something about someone else. The ETF dressed in some silly costumes. Joel barked. I’m pretty certain someone played that ball in a cup game in the halls at break, and someone else was scolded for kissing their partner with tongue. Tongue! In New Vista! The shame of it! Man, how are we supposed to know the nuts and bolts of the What’s Happening of New Vista? All we do is write articles that could shake a laugh out of you. We’re not rocket scientists or anything, jeez. So... yeah. Stuff is happening. Not happened, happening. They, in fact, keep happening. This is definitely an article, and a great one at that. No one could argue this article is anything but top-notch. 

Ask Horse_ebooks

Dear Horse_ebooks, I’m feeling insanely stressed out with all the homework I’m supposed to do for my PM block. Any tips on short relaxing things I could do?

Dear Horse_ebooks, I’m in the middle of an argument with my significant other, and neither of us want to compromise. Any ideas?