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 New Vista Traffic Update

Hot water heater feud:

Good morning New Vista here are your weekly traffic updates:

We are seeing slow traffic at about .1mph in the 300 hallway. There was an accident on the stairs leading down to the 200 hallway but we are slowly seeing speed gains as clean up takes place.

Do be careful out there, New VIsta. There are mate spills near the stairs, which may have caused the previous accident. The halls are slippery out there, watch your step.

The 200 hallway is moving at speeds of .5 miles per hour due to traffic and crowding by the underclassmen outside of Annissa's and Mike's room, so make sure you leave some extra time on your morning commute to accommodate

The 100 hallway is clear and is currently moving at normal speeds. 

 Alternative ways are always available. Always keep traffic moving, do not stop unless an emergency or you have reach your destination.

Keep it Clear. 


New Vista now only about teaching and learning-

A recent change has taken New Vista by storm: after kirk's announcement of "it's all about teaching a learning", the once non-traditional school has become anything but.

The administration has cut out all break and lunches, and students are not permitted to take part in anything but teaching and learning, leaving many students concerned.

"When Kirk first said 'It's all about teaching and learning' at community gathering I didn't know he meant it ALL was about teaching and learning" , said one student

Cookie Friday has been cancelled for an indefinite period, and many students have been suspended for talking in class about subjects that are not related to teaching and learning.

"I'm just really scared."

"Please, I need to eat."


Monday Broadcast-

Breaking News out of the parking lot: new vista student doesn't get parking permit, actually towed- (insert anchor) has the story

Spencer Cambor had parked his car at New Vista High Schools student parking lot like he did every other day. Little did he know, everything was about to change.

"So I parked my car at 7:35 and went into class. I've never had a parking permit. I thought it was no big deal"

According to the New Vista High Schools student handbook, all students wishing to park in the New Vista parking lot must have a parking permit. The cost is $25 per semester.

"So then I came out to go to lunch, and I couldn't find my car. I kept pressing the lock button on my remote to make it beep. but I just heard nothing but the sound of the wind. It was just really confusing."

Spencer then ran inside, scared, shocked, confused, and worried. He told the office that his car wasnt in the lot. That's when he heard "your car has been towed".

Spencer want's the message here to not be pity, but of action.

"I should have had a parking permit. I don't wish this on my worst enemy"

(We will film chris and have him say)

 One Liners-

A student is in critical condition after coming to marcos class late two days in a row.

Pre-emptive Rude Syndrome -

Anchor One- The American Psychiatric Association has recently released a new report declaring the creation of a new phycological syndrome known as Pre-emptive Rude Syndrome. 

Anchor Two- The startling report details the symptoms of such syndrome, often presenting itself with lines such as  “Not to be disrespectful” “No offense”  “not to be inequitable but…” “Don’t be offended but” “I know it sounds racist but…” immediately before saying something is in indeed disrespectful, offensive, inequitable, and racist.

Anchor One- The APA asks that anyone displaying symptoms of Pre-emptive Rude Syndrome to contact a mental health professional immediately.