Carlos' Page

2/27 Warm Up

Seniors have to take it.

Senior gathering in Diane's office-New Vista high school.

"Dude, i'm not takin' it." said New Vista senior.

"I'm not taking it either." Said New Vista female senior

"i'll take it" said 18 year old New Vista senior.

"hahaha, already took it" said New Vista super senior. 

2/20 warm up

Kimye to let New Vista pick the name for the baby

From Kimye OFFICIAL twitter account- "Some @NewVista kids were so good at picking a new mascot we want them to pick our baby's name #TrueStory #basketballWives" 

Yes guys. This was posted from the OFFICIAL KimYe twitter account so that means it is real.

"This is great for @NewVista, we finally have some say in the entertainment world #TruthBeTold" Kirk Quitter tweeted. 

Sources have said that they will either be having a girl or a boy. Start your votes New Vista. Here is how to vote:

Include the following:





and tweet it. Simple!

Start Voting, voting ends in May.

2/6 warm-up

2013 New vista Olympics to include a "new vista typa thing?"

New Vista host the Advisory Olympics in the end of may and it has been said that this year will be the first year ever in which a "New Vista typa thing" will be added. Podulating, 

"Any O.N (Old NewVistian) kid would know what this is for sure" Said ex-advisory Olympic champion. "Our advisory  believes that with this even in this year, we can get the trophy back."

Podulating is considered to be the Sport in which New Vista could take on anyone.

"It is not an individual sport," said Dr. Shiba, a professor at the university of Colorado. "It is a sport that can only be done as a team."

Warm-up 1/30

New Vista introduces new workshop.

New Vista, some where in the halls: NVHS has had several meetings with the BVSD higher rankings to get their new workshop passed. The Bubble Blowing workshop. 

We asked New Vista representatives why a Bubble Blowing workshop and they said had this to say "because bubbles. There is no angry way to say the Bubbles and it will help keep anger issues under control."

Bubbles have been scientifically tested by ESPN's Sports Science team and have been found to improve the control of anger to increase by 0.01594% over the average student. 

"That number will change depending on the technique of the blowing." Said ESPN's SS.

We have also learned that this bubble blowing has been tested in everything ESPN can get their hands on.

"I blow a couple bubbles before every game, it's part of my warm-up. It helps me concentrate and amps up my adrenaline. Said Lebron James some basketball player who

plays for the L.A Galaxy.

The New Vista population is expecting the workshop to be on the first quarter registration sheet for the 2013-14 school year. This workshop will allow student to chill and relax. Only problem is, New Vista officials have not found a budget to pay for someone to lead the workshop. 

Expect some budget cuts New Vista.

NV student sentenced to 15 hours for extra cookie

A New Vista student has been sentenced to 15 hours of detention before the end of the quarter because he took 2 cookies this last cookie Friday. We tried reaching out to New Vista officials to get a comment from them and so far they haven't replied to us.

One of our Leekers was on the scene the day of the incident, and released this testimony to us, "I was like reaching for a cookie when like BOOM, this dude just came up behind be and grabbed two cookies! I started throwing ice-cubes at him telling him to chill." After the incident, Joe started going bananas because they ice-cubes had melted and there was water everywhere. "I Don't blame your guy for throwing ice-cubes at a this guy who took TWO cookies on cookie Friday, it was the right thing to do." Said Joe.

The student who took the numerous amounts of cookies (two to be exact) was charged with 15 hours of lunch detention and told us this, "Dude i didn't think i would get 15 hours of detention for one extra cookie, I want to apologize to the New Vista community."

We are also learning that it is not the first time he takes two cookies, he has been cough several times but never charged. We are glad someone put an end to "Two Cookie Steve" it is because of him that some of of sometimes get no cookies or end up getting the bad ones. If you see him in the hallways, let him know that the cookies are also for you!

Studies show growth in love over glowing rectangles. Students at every high school in ever nation have been seen staring at glowing rectangles for hours. This glowing rectangle appears to be "what the kids are doing now-a-days"

Beyonce to blame for lights going out in the 300 hallway, or Obama, we don’t know.

New Vista, Boulder Colorado, (address, zip code, phone number) So the lights went out,and we confirmed that it was Beyonce’s fault. Ha! Wait, we can also confirm it was Obama’s fault. We believed we knew but then we also believe we’re wrong. It’s really hard hard to say, your on top one day and the next you're on the bottom of every chain. Why can’t I have friends, i’m funny. I’m awesome, I have a Carrrrrrr, I could be Mr. Perfect. I don’t even have a valentine, and i’m in highschool, my little brother is, LITTLE and he has a valentine! It is embarrassing! Dude come on. I asked a girl out to lunch the other day, because i didn’t have detention that day, and she said she had to babysit! There was so much wrong with that answer, first of all, who would say no to me!Second of all, it was during lunch! Final reason, she’s an only child! seriously, come on dude! I blame Obama, yup i’m blaming him for the lights. Thanks a lot Obama!

Student on trail for shooting cupid


A student who was in the hallways during class is being accused of shooting cupid. 

The New Vista student who had "gone to take a leek," is the leading suspect in the Cupid shooting investigation. Late during AM block on Friday two students were seen in the hallways minutes before the shooting.

"This would be easier to solve if New Vista had hall passes in their system" said officer Timmy

Horoscopes for second issue:

With Colorado's crazy weather, a New Vista functional/wearable art class has taken it upon them to create the perfect Colorado outfit. This outfit can keep with anything Colorado brings. It is fully packed with Dr, Dre beat head phones exclusively customized for this Colorado outfit. It also comes with real, yes ladies and gentlemen, real care bear fur. It is still unclear on when this outfit will be released  to the public and how much it will cost, but it's a must have item and has gotten Oprah snickered. 

1/15 Warm-up

We are running out of Kleenex around here WTH? What could some fake news articles be around this "Tissue Issue?" 

Tissues have cause an issue and has staff turning on each other.

"All i wanted was a box of tissues for my classroom" said Andrew Pfouts to officers who were called on the scene by New vista students. 

"I saw Pfouts running into a classroom and seconds later i heard Susie running after Pfouts, i turned around and Pfouts was running down the hallway with Susie grabbing on to him (Which caused a lock down). It was like a scene out of a movie," said a New Vista student who keeps bringing up the fact that he wasn't ditching Marcos class. After our investigators spoke to the officers at the scene, one officer told us they had found a box of tissues at the crime scene.

Diane stressed out over tissue issue.

"This is the time of the year where my office is packed, it's the start of the quarter and kids come crying to me because they don't like their schedule," said Diane after being asked about opinion on the tissue issue. Our undercover reporter, reported having seen Diane sneaking toilet paper into her office minutes after the first interview. We approached her to ask her about endless rolls of toilet paper and she had this to say, "With so many kids crying in my office, i decided to step up and bring toilet paper from home to use as tissues ETF has told us numerous amounts of time to be resourceful, it is what i'm doing." 

New vista student determined to take his talent to a “whole 'nother level.”

BOULDER-Co, New Vista High School-

New Vista student realizes that his talents could be better of in another level and has decided to finally take a class with Loren. "After being hunted down by all the teachers, I finally decided to go live with my news and tell the public that i'm taking my talents to the art room this quarter." said the talented student who has achieved high scores in Angry Birds. "It's just a game, but my talent with Angry birds has lead to the decision to take my first art class." 

We really don't see what all the fuss is about, it's just angry birds. His choice of taking his talent to another level, is just, GOLDEN. They way he handled it was just amazing, he kept every emotion under control until the last moment, when the registration form was filled out. 

"I still have a hard time believing it has all come to this," said Andy and advisor of the talented student "To think he would stay local and take a class with Mike, Kate, Martin."

"When i was updating his schedule, and saw the choice he made, i got a little teary." Said Diane who could not go on with the interview because her emotions got the best of her.

We have learned that this talented individual will not be the greatest in the class. Joining him will be Mr. Ninja Jump who holds one of the Top 5 scores in Ninja Jump. Also joining them is the holder of the highest score ever, in Temple Run.

"This is going to be a winning class, I am honored to have them in my class," said Loren.

after the interview with Loren was over, he packed up all our equipment getting ready to leave this joint, Loren told us something that she didn't want us to include in the article. Since we are the leek, we decided to leek it.

Loren had this to say, "What I'm worried about the most is the chemistry this class will have. Will they interact or do everything individually. High scores come with big responsibilities."

After analyzing her statement we started to think about what she said and "That isn't that bad!" Loren exaggerated her statement.

New quarter comes with new challenges and new classmates. Will this soon to be Hall-of-Fame art class have what it takes to go down in history? Or will their fame get in the way of working as a unit?

Ask yourself that in the mirror, one, two, ten times while you listen to Taylor Swift.

NS3 - News Sheet #3

NS4 - News Sheet #4