Ayden Chance's Page

Warm Up #1

New Vista Confessions Facebook page gets 10 thousand likes.

BOULDER-- an anonymous New Vista student creates a confession page November 8th.

This confessions page is the twentieth  one this year after the earlier ones have been then taken down. The Idea for the confession pages were taken from Fairview-- which has been taken down because it was to offensive towards other students. New vista is better than that, ours have been taken down because the administration doesn't want it to get out of hand.

Warm Up #2

New Vista Ultimate Frisbee Team Admits To Doping

NEW VISTA--  Frisbee team admits to doping during the 2012 session.

This news was surpassing to the community because they thought New Vista was a good spirited team, and never thought they would cheat by doping.  

Now the last state champion award has been striped from New Vista."We don't have the athletic ability compared to Fairview or Boulder High's Teams" Said a frisbee member. "it was a choice between doping or killing boulders frisbee team." 

Warm up #3

Prom Committee: Prom Canceled 

NEW VISTA--Prom cancelled due to no members, and lack of commitment. If you were planning to go to prom you need to get the waver to go to our neighborhood school."Commitment is a big problem at New Vista" said Mike Codrey.

In a resent community gathering, president of prom said they were down ten members. but no one was enthusiastic about joining. If the numbers continue to drop there is no guaranteed that it will return next year.