Annikka's Page

Student Respect levels drop drastically when Cookie Friday is canceled due to budget cuts.


Literal take on “support eachother”

Person putting all of their weight on another person and other person complaining about how they just can’t support them anymore.

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 A new crisis arose in the heart of the New Vista student body as of last week. 

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 Teachers found that an astonishing amount of students find every day of the week unfit for learning, making excuses for each and every day.

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 Lets see just what this looks like.


Video of student making an excuse for Monday. They sit at a desk with a teacher standing over them. 


Ugh, Its Monday. I'm going back to sleep.


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We found that the next day, there is yet another excuse. Students say things like

"Gosh. Teach, it's only Tuesday. Calm down, I'll have the project done tomorrow."

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And it seems that these excuses only get _____(what?) over the course of the week. 


Another student video.


"It's Wednesday. Come on, it's just seminar and CE's. 0.5 credit barely counts

for anything.



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On Thursdays a surprising number of students claim to wake up thinking

that its Friday, only to become disappointed and tired when they find out that it is in fact, still not Friday. 

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You would think that on Friday, at least, the students would be ready and prepared to learn. But it seems that on 

the last day of week, students still don't care enough to learn. "It's Friday," they say simply, shrugging.

(For newscast and not CG) Parody of "Welcome to Nightvale." (Nonchalant news about really dangerous and crazy things happening.)

Have all the anchors take on a "Nightvale-like" persona

Screen is black and eerie nighvale music begins to play. A booming voice catches the attention of the audience. 

A friendly school community where the heaters aren’t hot, The duct tape projector is beautiful, and mysterious lights pass overhead while we all pretend to learn. Welcome to New Vista.

(music pause)

Hello students. To start things off I’ve been asked to read this brief notice: the school administration announces the arrival of a new transfer student. It is possible you will see hooded figures looming around the student. Do not approach them. Do not approach the transfer student. Try not to look at the transfer student, and especially do not look for any period of time at the hooded figures. The transfer student will not harm you.

(This is just a snippet of the script, but the rest is on my drive)


A student has been missing for an entire week was recently found in the boiler room. Anchors or somebody talking. Footage of person huddled in the boiler room.

New Vista is planning to replace some of our slacking students with robots to raise the GPA

¨have fun monitors¨ (like hall monitors) roam the halls and take measures of peoples fun levels (like speed limit guns?) They stop people in the hall and tell them to slow down, theyŕe having too much fun.