Quill's page.

Kirk Quitter: High school principle or Star Trek ship captain?


Kirk's past comes in to question once again. Is he who he claims to be, a normal every day High school principle or the famous captain of the spacecraft “Star Trek Enterprise”?

A small comity of students gathered some evidence that just might answer this question:

1. He shares a name with the famous James Tiberius Kirk, .

2. Some of the students affectionately call him "Captain Kirk."

3. Known to wander around the school and check in on his staff.

4. He takes long dramatic pauses during speeches.

5. When questioned on the matter Kirk responds with a chuckle and "I wish."

6. Is in fact a Star Trek fan.


Is our beloved principle hiding something? Or is this all some crazy random happenstance? We may just never know.

If you have any information please contact the “Captain Kirk is real” committee.