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important testing


New Vista puts strict rules and dress codes for TCAP's

TCAP's have always been a difficulty at New Vista, with scores low it evidently makes New Vista High look like an unfit school to send children. Principal, Kirk Quitter, took a tole throughout the school to why students don't enjoy taking the TCAP's and why/how they get distracted. It was proven that the students don't like the TCAP's because it's thought to be a pointless test. Not really a surprise there, however how/why they get distracted is a tad different than Kirk was expecting. Kids said that they would get distracted from the windows, peoples clothes and shoes, noises, etc. "This has helped tremendously!" Kirk claims, expressing his plan of action. "If we take away the distractions, then there would be nothing to concentrate on other than the test. The plan for 2013 TCAP testing now includes locked and blocked windows, dress code, and taking away pencils after testing is done. "It's not official yet, but I shall keep you posted to any changes of ideas," Kirk proclaims with enthusiasm. 

What I want to do...

Charter group- Social Media makes kids lack ambition and motivation 

TCAP issue- 'find it' picture and TCAP story changed students life- done

Issue #3- slow drivers creating accidents left and right- done

Leek News (video)

3rd piece: 400 words

Slow drivers creating accidents left and right

 Many drivers, young and old, have been experiencing 'almost' car accidents if not actual collisions, with the recent snow fall. The problem is that people aren't even driving over the speed limit, but instead under the designated speed, infuriating others. Many drivers try and go under the speed limit because of lack of tire traction or four wheel drive, etc; however, drivers with a snow built car, have been getting very irritated by the amount of 'grandma driving' happening around town. With all this happening, the other drivers are swerving in and out from behind slow cars, eventually coming to a sudden stop with someone in front of them. "I was going the speed limit, even a tad below, but it didn’t’ matter I just didn't notice the car right in front of me before it was too late. My car is good at stopping on ice and snow but not if the car in front of me is less than 10 feet..." I local driver proclaims worrying about the damage of the two cars. These high speed changes have been causing a lot of problems throughout Boulder County, and not only with car on car collisions either. An unnamed student from New Vista High claimed to have lost control of his mini cooper and accidently ran into the curb right outside of Basemar shopping center. “I was going five mph. five mph! But did it matter, nooooo! My car just decided to take over and swerve right into a curb right past the intersection,” the student said angrily to our reporter. Many citizens of Boulder County claim that they haven’t had snow all winter, so they’re not used to driving on it along with the ice yet. It would be thought that people from Boulder would know how to drive through snow by now, but this winter has proven that myth to be inaccurate. It’s gotten to the point that a large amount of the population in the city has chosen to simple avoid driving all together in conditions like these. Many also fear that this is only the beginning and that the worst has yet to come. We all know very well that Colorado is prone to its ‘bi-polar’ weather, so it will be interesting to see what the rest of the winter/ spring will bring to beautiful, indecisive, Colorado.  

Warm up 2/22/13:

Slow drivers creating accidents left and right

Many drivers, young and old, have been experiencing 'almost' car accidents with the snow fall. The problem is that people aren't even driving over the speed limit, but instead under the designated speed, infuriating others. Many drivers try and go under the speed limit because of lack of tire traction or four wheel drive, etc; however, drivers with a snow built car, have been getting very irritated by the amount of 'grandma driving' happening around town. With all this happening, the other drivers are swerving in and out from behind slow cars, eventually coming to a sudden stop with someone in front of them. "I didn't even see the car. My car is good at stopping on ice and snow but not if the car in front of me is less than 10 feet..." I local driver proclaims worrying about the damage of the two cars. These high speed changes have been causing a lot of problems throughout Boulder County and have increased the police traffic as well. 


Warm-up 2/13/13

TCAP reading changes students life

Every student at lest once in their life has to experience the 'enjoyment' of taking the standardized tests. Most individuals dread this time of month, yet one student this year claims that the test has changed him for evermore. Student, Rogie Rogers, freshman at New Vista High School; claims that one of the stories within the reading section of the TCAP truly inspired him. "This story, it was just remarkable! I mean how could you not be touched by a boy and his dog? They grew up together and by the time the boy went off to college the dog knew it and couldn't take the pain so he died in the boys departure," Rogie Rogers had a tear in his eye as he finished telling the New Vista reporters about the story. Mr. Rogers claims that he had a dog that was very dear to his heart when he was younger and was able to relate. "My dog, Rosie, died when I just turned two," Rogie declares, "And this story makes me realize that I'm not alone, in such an awful lost." Although our reporters are still confused about well all of it, they payed their respect and went with Rogie Rogers to his dogs grave. According to the reporters the grave was surrounded by every type of dog biscuit a dog could ever wish for, along with flowers, and even one balloon. "I've never seen a dog missed so much by a boy who barley knew his dog in the first place, before," The New Vista reporter was astonished and speechless by the amount of goodies surrounding the burial of beloved Rosie. Standardized testing may be looked down upon many students, however; after this one incident the department refuses to take away the national standardized testing, and instead tells Rogie's story to students in hope to change their perspective about the test.  "Let's hope one day standardized testing will look at as a positive time of year and not as a negative. 

2nd piece: 400 words

Swiper the fox… a girl? 

BOULDER CO- Local New Vista facility has suspension that a snack thief is among them. Studies showed that more snacks have been 'sold' the past month than the entire previous year. Teachers throughout the halls have become baffled by the increase of sells, for it’s been known that many students would rather have the old snack machine back other than the healthy alternative. “I don’t understand. If the snack machine hasn't been popular all last year why is it now? The snacks haven’t changed,” current math teacher, Hunter Chen, proclaims. Others professionals throughout the high school have a different theory however. Principle of the school, Kirk Quitter, has added up the money balance compared to the amount of sold items, and realized something didn't match up. Although more snacks are gone, the change amount remains the same as any other sell per month. “We can’t keep losing sells, so it’s time to insert video cameras,” Kirk said. “Many kids are against the idea of video cameras throughout the school, but it won’t be permanent, just until the culprit stops stealing the snacks.” This manner was not taken lightly either, high definition cameras were placed in New Vista’s cafeteria the very next day. No stealing was caught on cameras; however the snacks were still disappearing mysteriously. Frustrated students began to act out against the cameras and stick gum to them or throwing rocks in attempt to break them, for they felt it was “invasive of their personal lives.” “It’s obviously not a student or teacher taking the snacks, or they would have caught something by now. They should just take down the cameras, they’re not helping anyway and just making us uncomfortable,” a student proclaims. With a frustrated facility and irritated students, the school decides to take it one step further and video tape the night life of the school. The first night nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary, however the second night a change occurred. A fury little fox seemed to have gotten inside the school and worked its way in and out of the machine in attempt to get free snacks. The facility then looked into how the little critter was coming in and out of the school, when they stumbled upon the home of a mother fox and her three tiny ones right outside a small hole leading in and out of New Vista. As the school board decided what to do they came to the conclusion of patching up the hole yet allowed the fox family to stay finally giving New Vista a school mascot. “Who would have guessed that we had our self our own swiper the fox right in our backyard,” Kirk joked. The school board plans on taking the cameras down soon, and has been relieved of any thought of a snack burglar within the school.      

2/6/2013 warm up- 

Breaking news: babies are for sell at stores!

Adoption centers aren't getting enough publicity and kids aren't finding homes for years on in, so some centers are opting to bring babies, toddlers, etc, to stores to show off and have interested parents meet them in an everyday environment. "It's been working great!" A local manager of an adoption center proclaimed. "We've been finding homes for all these wonderful children so quickly the fast few weeks of this publicity advertisement. Not to mention the children are loving all of the attention!" Local stores such as, Target, Whole Foods, and even Walmart are creating space for adoption companies, and allowing to the children to roam freely throughout the stores as they please. This has helped children of all ages find homes and has changed theirs and their now parent's lives.  

1/30/2013 warm up-

New Fall fashion? Sweaters such as the one above have struck a new high on sales this past fall. This sweater, hooded, mitten incorporated wardrobe piece has become quite popular among early teenagers to early twenty's crowd. How could something so hideous become so popular you may ask, well the answer is simple. Warmth. The past winter as many know have been bitterly cold and according to users, this new sweater is one of the warmest around. "I had my doubts around it, but as soon as I wore it for the first time it was like 5 heaters surrounding me. It was amazing!" A local teenage girl proclaimed. This look tends to attract more of a female audience, but has still sold their fair share with males too. Studies show that the past winter, more people have bought items of clothing for pure warmth than fashion, leading to a downcrease in sales at stores such as Abrocrombie and fitch.

400 word article- 

Lack of tissues, leading to the New Vista apocalypse??


Tissues; none in Marco's room, none in Alex's, none in the office!? Could this be the end of clean noses at New Vista?

BOULDER CO- Local students and teachers outrage against this madness and go in search for boxes of tissues to stop the spread of runny noses. The office sent out emails about this issue to the parents in hope that they could seek help. Current LA teacher, Andrew Pfouts, responds with an absurd idea, "Why doesn't the office just buy more tissues... they're at the store yes?" He laughs and jokes that he'll have to begin splitting the tissues into two for students to share.

    Although some teachers and students are taking light of this issue, others aren't as much, "My nose is running like none other because of the weather. You think I want to use my sleeve as a tissue? Umm no! That's nasty.” A handful of kids throughout the school are in fear of coming too close with someone with a cold, “If I get too close to one of my sick friends, I could get sick, and get a runny nose, and I’ll be SOL when it comes to finding a tissue.” A student proclaims scared, “It’s ruining our friendship! This ‘no tissue’ dilemma could be the end of friendships throughout New Vista as we know it! … It could be the end of New Vista.” The student proclaims with a tear in his eye. This tissue epidemic is tearing New Vista kids apart, emotionally and physically. Last Friday a victim proclaimed how a kid ran buy and ripped the sleeve of his t-shirt clean off! Could this be the beginning of the New Vista Apocalypse? Students and teachers are getting paranoid, acting practically like savages towards each other. It’s just a matter of time when kids, and teachers, stop showing up to classes. There have been kids around the school talking about staying home where they know they have tissues. There are a few kids however that are not taking this situation to such lengths, and instead are bringing mini packs of tissues from home. "I don't understand why everyone is freaking out about this," a New Vista student claims. "Like seriously bring tissues from home it's not that big of a deal," she said annoyed. Others have been taking advantage of the issue and began a new trend of 'Tissue dealing.' The final question is; is this the end of New Vista, or are kids and adults simply over reacting? 

1/18/2013 warm up- 

Broncos lost to ravens by an "unfair" advantage... Ravens can fly

Many Bronco fans are outraged by the plays of the Ravens! Should natural gifts, such as flying, be allowed in professional sports?

BOULDER CO- January 12, Denver Broncos played against the Baltimore Ravens each in hopes to be the team to go to play next hopefully making it to the Superbowl. However, after half time and third quarter began, the ravens pulled a play that baffled and angered many fans. They took flight. "Broncos have four legs yes?" An angry Denver football fan exclaimed. "So how exactly is it fair that Ravens are allowed to fly above their heads when they obviously cant reach them!?" This angry fan then stormed off with the rest of the disappointed football fans.

     Later on we had the chance to discus this manner with a Raven fan. "I think it's completely fair! I mean have you seen the size difference in these two animals, like come on now! The Denver Broncos are just being little babies because they didn't win." So the real question is, is it right for the Ravens to have taken flight or not? Should the game be re-evaluated, or keep it as is? Referees will be discussing this manner later this afternoon.    

1/15/13 warm up- 

Lack of tissues, leading to the New Vista apocalypse??

Tissues; none in Marco's room, none in Alex's, none in the office!? Could this be the end of clean noses at New Vista?

BOULDER CO- Local students and teachers outrage against this madness, and go in search for boxes of tissues to stop the spread for runny noses. The office sent out emails about this tragic issue to the parents in hope that they could seek help. Current LA teacher, Andrew pfouts, responds with an absurd idea, "Why doesn't the office just buy more tissues... they're at the store yes?" Until this problem gets resorted however, he decides to take extremes and made a rule of half a tissue per student, "If this continues we'll even have to split them into a fourth a tissue per student." 

    This issue isn't just teachers either; students everywhere are outraged, "my nose is running like none other because of the weather. You think I want to use my sleeve as a tissue?? umm no! That's nasty." 

1/11/13 warm up-

Mike Codrey devours student's lunches during detention

Mike denying it, students protesting it, who will win this lunch eating dilemma?!

BOULDER CO- Students Claim that Mike Codrey, current NVHS history teacher, is stealing and eating their lunches while in detention. Mike orders students to get him coffee during detention, and when they return, their lunches have vanished. Mike refuses to confess about stealing lunches, but the students are making him run for his money. According to multiple students there's usually 2-3 students per detention and at least 1 of their lunches go missing for detention... and is usually the best of the lunches. "Why would I want to steal lunches from students when all they bring in is mate and veggie food, when I could eat the stash of warm chocolates in my..." Mike said without revealing where his stash of delicious chocolate is located. 

    Students on the other hand don't believe Mike at all. "Mike tells us to get him coffee then when we come back our food is gone! Who else could have taken it?" an angry student replies.

    "I saw him heat my lunch in front of me. In front of me! I mean at least try to hide it..." another student proclaims.

    "I bring sandwiches for lunch sometime, sometimes I bring pizza, and sometimes students do the same, there's no proof that I have been the one stealing their lunches," Mike replies frustrated.