Nora's Page

Issue #1

Kirk's Pants: Comin' in Hot

    We, the New Vista High School community, are very familiar with our principal's red pants. There is no hiding the double take most people do when he walks by. But, are the pants too much? It is suspected that students and/or faculty became outraged with the wear of such pants, and have said to have stolen them right under from Kirk's nose. The pants went missing two weeks ago and the school environment has changed drastically. "Kirk hasn't come out during break in almost a week," Kayla tells reporters. "Not only that but Free Cookie Friday is now everyday... Something is up."  

    Though unlike Kayla's concern, many students have been celebrating the new changes. Even the 

First Day Writing Questions:

What do you know about satire?  What are your thoughts about boundaries and humor--esp. in a public school? 

I am a very sarcastic person so my boundaries are not often pushed. Satire in writing is pretty much the ridicule of someones stupidity through sarcasm or irony. I would personally say that public schools should not censor the use of satire as much, but I also understand the reasoning for doing so. 

What makes you laugh?

Dry humor, ridiculously spontaneous things, unconscious people...

To what extent do you follow current events?  In what areas? (Possibilities: inter/national or local politics, sports, pop culture, school events)  How do you follow? (on-line, newspapers, magazines, radio, TV)

The only way I really follow current events would be through TV or online. Thats mostly with pop culture. I also follow school events through Diane and Counselors Corner.

What are your goals for this class? 

To stay on top of my work, earn a good grade honestly and to improve my styles of writing.

1/9 Warm-up

Why are these people lined up at Cheryl's desk? Who are they? What do they want?

New Vista Students Looking for Answers

    Early Tuesday morning, a great deal of New Vista High School students were found irritated and impatient, waiting for the school's student coordinator, Cheryl McBay.

    "My report card came in the mail and said that I had no record of my CE for the previous quarter," Stevie told us. "I put sixty strenuous hours into my volunteer work, I think I deserve some credit."

    Stevie found he was not the only student with this concern, for many other students lined McBay's desk with the same lingering question: Where is their path credit, and will they graduate? Standing firmly, the enraged ninth through twelfth graders came prepared with letters from their mentors in hand.

1/15 Warm-up

We are running out of Kleenex around here WTH? What could some fake news articles be around this "Tissue Issue?"


    At the end of community gathering last week here at New Vista, the shocking announcement was made, by Marco, that there is a significant decrease in kleenex boxes around the school. Now there is an outbreak, of not only the flu epidemic, but a case of severe raw noses. Kids, teachers, and faculty are being forced to use the cheap, single-ply toilet paper from the bathrooms.

"I really couldn't tell you why the students are acting out," the history teacher exclaimed. "But first the floor pooping and now this? I'm at a loss of what to do."

After interviewing various people around the school, the tissue issue remains unresolved.

"I thought it was Rosa..." an inside source told us. "But with Rosa comes Michael, so that would be easier to catch. Then again, they could be in on it together."

    The accused New Vista student has been seen having sneezing attacks in multiple classes but claims to simply use her sleeve. A likely story... More in next weeks paper.