Warm Ups

Warm Up 1: I walked slowly along the breach, dragging my feet and kicking sand. I had been searching for days, almost a week. The trash cans of Los Angelas were my main source of food, and half empty water bottles my hydration. I ate less and less every day. I spotted another short set of tracks, but discounted them, for I had seen too many dog tracks along the beach for it to raise hope. Even if they were my dog's tracks, they were so old that it was pointless anyway. Itching my sunburned, mosquito bitten cheek, I glanced once again at the tracks.

Warm Up 2: "Where were you last night?" The voice was loud, powerful, louder than usual. I paused for about 15 seconds, trying to remember where I was last night, or where I was right then for that matter. My feeble voice cracked a shot through my unsuspecting head. "At the grocery store." knowing I was in trouble and had to say something, that was the only thing I could come up with. "Don' lie to me, boy." The voice wasn't as powerful this time, but it rang with a tone of condescending disapproval, and almost mockery at my lie. "Now tell me, Where Were You?!" I jumped at these words. They rang in my head long after the voice spit them out. 

Warm Up 3: Who says dreams aren't real? "Now go get me a coffee." George murmured from behind his paper and through his cigar. His voice was irritating and condescending. For fear of getting fired, I did as he said. I did not have college experience, and considered myself lucky to be the front desk guy and not the janitor, but the boss, George, made me rethink that. For a while, I just considered the mean boss to be a simple drawback from my lucky situation, but after a while, I began to despise him as a human. He was OK at first, but my hatred grew over the months. I could not look at his saggy face without wanting to grab his cheeks and pull until they gave way. I thought of him with utter contempt. I got him his coffee and thought of a few remarks to hold back before getting back to work, such as "Anything else, your majesty?" of course I didn't say them. I finished up early that day and went home. As I lied in my bed alone, I could not get that saggy face of George out of the back of my vision. 

Warm Up 4: I sat in the cheap plastic school chair and stared at my blank paper. assignment completely forgotten. I was forced to have a first period and could barely stay awake every morning. I sat in that chair. which was surprisingly strong. like someones arms beckoning me in to unconsciousness. My eyes started to close. there was not stopping them . There were liquid lead flowing down a steep hill, unstoppable. They finally shut. I felt numb, before suddenly snapping awake. I had never felt so awake as I did just then. I sat and began to do my assignment, which was very vague. Once I was finished, I sat and stared at the clock. The hands were not moving. I noticed they were stuck at two in the morning. 

Music Warm Up: The sun hit the west horizon mountain's peak. I threw myself down on a boulder and absorbed the heat that it gave off from sitting in the sun all day. I knew I had a long read ahead of me, but I needed a rest. The rucksack I carried around bulged and was as heavy as lead on the ground. It was my home, so I made sure to set it down more gently than I set myself down. I had been walking these mountain roads for weeks without seeing a single person. Just the way I liked it. Suddenly, as if reading my thoughts, a voice rang out clear in a singing tone. I glanced at the direction of the voice and saw a rock wall. I looked over at where the source must be, as their voice bounced off of the wall. The echoing voice sounded a bit skewed from rock, but I recognized it as an old man's voice. I sat deciding whether or not to hide or come out in the open, but before I could decide, the old man appeared around the bend. he was short with a long beard hanging past his collar bone. He was clothed in a brown wool cloak and a satchel hung low about his waist. he looked old, but walked fast and had a powerful voice. It seemed as though he saw me before I saw him, because he was not surprised to see me. He greeted me with a wave and a smile, and continued walking. I jumped up and started walking after him. My heart was beating just from seeing another human, and I was not going to let this opportunity go to waste just if it is a quick conversation. By now the sun had just minutes before it disappeared behind the west horizon mountain's peak. The nearly full and still waxing moon began to come up over the valley between the east horizon mountain and the cougar mouth mountain. What was this old man doing so far from civilization? I asked myself as i ran after him.