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    K.O.S. (Kleenex OCD Syndrome) driving the school upside down

      On, Wednesday, Jan 16, New Vista High School's equity committee conferenced in the staff room around 12:00 p.m., about a chaotic issue that is apparently leading to concern, and could possibly be one of next year's equity topics. K.O.S. syndrome, is found to be affecting many students and staff members this year, especially during the winter season; as a result, the whole school is suffering a 'Kleenex recession'. But what is K.O.S. you may ask? Diane,New Vista's High school's counselor answers this question: " K.O.S. Syndrome is a quite complex concept to describe in words. It basically alludes to a so called disability. Similar to O.C.D. (obsessive compulsive disorder), only with the difference that the obsession is specifically concentrated on tissue paper, especially Kleenex brand material, for some reason". Elizabeth Smartin, a college student from C.U. in the department of Science, explains more in depth this disability "K.O.S. is an obsession on not only the use of tissue paper itself, but Kleenex brand in specifics. Studies show, that Kleenex has physiological impacts on the way people view tissue paper. It isn't just a matter of blowing your nose with it, people want to accessorize it in their office working area etc. do to the attractive combination of colors on the box. If a person going through K.O.S. and at random intervals has no Kleenex handy, the person tends to fall in depression, and come to the point of subconsciously taking it away from others"   The syndrome, is for most people a serious matter, for others, the matter that is serious is not the syndrome itself, but accepting those with this so called "disability". Kaylee Barnes, a sophomore with this syndrome states the following: " I just don't get how K.O.S. can be this misunderstood. It isn't that simple. I feel the  impulse to have Kleenex with me all the time. First, in school than at home. Kleenex just gives me a sense of security, and i know it does to others like me. Kleenex, with its unique box design has the power to create emotional warmth, and the softness of the tissue paper, makes me dependent of it. That's probably why K.O.S. people can't stop taking Kleenex from wherever they can find it, from other classrooms, for example."   But, why all of a sudden, Anissa, however, mentions the following to The Leek: " I find equity meetings effective and stimulating. Everyone seems to feel the intensity around this issue. Although, next year this piece will obviously be key in Equity, i feel the need to teach a class this fourth quarter on the present issue".   


 Student suspended for taking two cookies in Cookie Friday

    Today, Jan 11, a student was suspended from New Vista High school, for grabbing two cookies in cookie Friday  Ann, the school's secretary reports the following on this sudden consequence "it is unbelievable behavior  observing the current school budget. It was 'disrespect of school property'". Kirk, the school principal adds..."I watched him outside the office, the student indeed had a malicious attitude by grabbing two cookies when he knows the role includes only one, he claimed one was 'for his friend'". had  Though It was regretful, yet indeed a highly important measure of discipline was needed. Student, plans to sue principal Kirk for this disciplinary action. 


Students protest their picture appearing on the yearbook

 Students lined up Thursday, January 10, protesting, and identifying

as "non-photogenic".

On Jan 10, students lined up to Cheryl's desk requesting their picture being removed from the yearbook.

The lines were filled during advisory that day. Apparently, many students left advisory with the excuse that they "needed to pre-enroll into some of next quarter's workshops" to ensure their first choices granted. Little did the clueless advisors know, these students were lining up one, on one, making their case for Cheryl to remove their picture. Vanessa, was one of the only educators other than Cheryl, that noticed this. She mentions the following" It was chaotic on Thursday, there was a lot of begging, weeping, and chair throwing involved(which could probably explain the tissue issue going around the school, by the way), some kneeled proclaiming Cheryl 'unjust' and 'uniquely cruel'. There was also bribing involved, some students brought baskets and baskets of chocolates. If it were me, I would remove the kids' pictures in a heart beat". The head protester, a senior from New Vista High School tells the student perspective on this matter... "I feel its not fair for Cheryl to have our pictures on the yearbook, it is inequitable ! Some of us just don't identify as photogenic!" Another student comments more in depth with this issue,"This is a serious matter, that the whole staff should consider as next year's potential equity topic". 

 TCAP Breakfast not Worth waking up for TCAP. 

   Students shocked and disappointed.

   The so anticipated Colorado schools standardized testing season is here. What was former known as the CSAP (Colorado Student Assessment program)  is now known as the TCAP, and stands in place of the former standardized testing. The different school district's Standardized Testing sessions, have the popularity of providing students with a nutritiously rich breakfast and snacks, with the purpose of stimulating students minds and preparing their intellectual abilities for the mind boggling exam. 

  Many 9th and 10th grade students, especially in New Vista Highschool, take advantage of this opportunity, and although breakfast is generally served very early on test days prior to the various testing sessions, one can see crowds and crowds of hungry students in the lunch room earlier than expected. 

   However, on the T-Cap sessions of this year, running from  March 5 to March 13, studies show the student breakfast population rate decreased at an alarming rate. 

     Hunter Chen, one of New Vista's math teachers comments on the following  "The Math team here at New Vista composed by not only me, but two other math teachers and seven other students have come to a unanimous conclusion on this matter. For the past years, crowds and crowds of students would show up early for what was then called the CSAPS. Even kids that would be late to my a.m. class, half asleep, i would catch punctually  in school nibbling on a pancake on CSAP days. However, this year  the rate of students lessened dramatically, this caught my attention, therefore i decided to consult with my math team and conduct an investigation. The results... the population of freshmen and sophomores have indeed decreased at T-CAP or whatever's  breakfast at such an alarming rate, the trend isn't even linear but exponential."

              The cause for this? Andy Stephens, one of New Vista's science teachers comments on the possible cause for less population in breakfast this year during the T-CAPS. " Freshmen and Sophmore, although they are young are not dumb. They know what foods are good for them and which are not. In my opinion, this year, the lack of pancakes, ice cream sundays, donuts, eggs, bacon etc. seriously deducted the sugar value needed to fuel and stimulate the students minds for the testing sessions. 

            Many other students can agree with this claim, such as sophmore, Bob Tredney which comments on the following: