Fiona's Page

1/11 warmup -  New Vista poop flinger writes anonymous letter to Kirk

1/15 warm up- New Vista tissue issue:  "I went to the office to get a tissue, and they said they were all out!" exclaims a disgruntled Pfouts, as he wipes his nose on his snot crusted sleeve.  "It certainty doesnt help the matter when the entire school is freezing" said a student, wishing to remain anonymous. The new vista tissue issue effects everyone in the building and it is starting to get out of control. Kids are walking around with runny noses or are resulting to wiping them on their friends. It is an outrage. there have even been reports of kids hoarding the few remaining tissues and selling them back to students at an alarming prices.

1/18 warm-up-  Pfouts says We Shouldn't!!: Last Tuesday at approximately 1:25pm during his pm film class, Pfouts said the unthinkable; "We Shouldn't."  After he uttered those words, the classroom was filled with a thick silence, until finally one brave student decided to speak up. "What did you just say Mr Pfouts?" The shocked pupil asked with tears streaming down his face. 

"Pfouts just kinda stood there in front of the class with a look of absolute shock on his face. Like he himself couldn't believe the words that had slipped from his mouth." recounted a student who had been in the room at the time. "I don't want to sound mellow dramatic, but I think it might actually be the end of the world as we know it" Said another student with a look of horror on her face. "This situation certainly puts Kirk in a bad place, he has to decide whether or not it is appropriate to keep Pfouts in the job, or if it would be better for the student body as a whole if he was terminated." said Yvette in an exclusive interview with a Leek journalist. "After his lack of all around self control, students who were there to witness the incident have fallen into deep depressions and some have even stopped coming to school" She adds. shacking her head in despair. 

2/6 warmup-  New Vista to introduce pay toilets- last Wednesday during community gathering the  Earth Task Force announced to their peers that pay toilets were going to be replacing all other toilets in the school. It is now going to cost everyone a dime to pee and a quarter to poo. all founding will go towards building a new compost garden behind the school. 

" we have been brainstorming ideas of how to raise enough money for our compost garden for a while now, we put it to a vote and everyone decided the most effective way would be to charge people every time they have to do their business."  comments Kate, a science teacher at New Vista, and also a member of the Earth Task Force. 

2/20 warm-up- Leek voted best newspaper at NVHS- recently there was a survey conducted throughout the students of New Vista High school that concluded that The Leek is in fact the top newspaper at New Vista. It was so unanimous that there wasn't even a second or third runner up! Many students and employees at New Vista are shocked by the results of the survey, and many people have began to ask the question "what is it about the Leek that makes it so popular?" In an effort to uncover the answer to this pressing question, several Leek reporters canvassed the school and came up with the conclusion that the reason behing the Leek's popularity is that it is the only news paper at New Vista!  

2/27/13 warm up-New Vista student doodles masterpiece on TCAP-  Its no secret that New Vista students are deficient on the TCAP testing system. over the years our testing scores have steadily decreased, giving New Vista some of the worst scores in the state. Until now. It was exclusively reported to the Leek that while grading TCAPs a teacher came to a Do Not Mark on This Page sheet and found an "exceptional doodle." so exceptional in fact that they proctor tore the page out of the test booklet and had it sent to Denver school of arts where they were so impressed with it, they offered the student a full ride scholarship and had an exhibit centered around the doodle itself. News of this got to the TCAP head courters where it has now been decided not to test New Vista students on academical subjects, because it is just "setting them up for failure," instead students now will be tested in subjects such as; art, whistling, marimbas, meditation skills, and podulating.  it is expected that the schools overall scores will greatly increase giving New Vista the founding we disparately need.