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Openly straight students bullied at New Vista

New Vista High School has always been known as a no-tolerance for bullying school, and its done well in keeping up with that title. Because New Vista is considered a "safe place" a lot of openly gay students come to the school to feel accepted and comfortable with being openly gay and not have to worry about any bullies. So as you can imagine  a large portion of the student body identifies as gay and its growing even larger. 

  New Vista sends a strong message of acceptance and encouragement to the gay student body to feel proud about their sexuality, but hasn't quite done the same for the straight students, and things have taken a turn for the worse. It's never encouraged that being straight is okay, or to embrace your heterosexuality at New Vista, and because of the large amount of gay students,  identifying as straight is considered abnormal. It's been getting harder and harder for straight students to feel accepted at school, even the club known as GSA ( gay-straight alliance) has changed their name to SGA (super-gay alliance) to exclude those who are straight. The oppression of the heterosexual students has gotten so bad that it has forced many to hide their true sexuality and stay in the closet for the fear of being shunned by their fellow students. But there are a few who are openly straight but because of their openness they are being bullied. 

We asked some of these openly straight students about some of the trouble and ridicule they have been facing. The students wish to remain anonymous ( their statements are shown below).

" I was on my way to my car and I was stopped by a group of students and they said to me " where ya goin?!  On a date with a girl?! You're such a hetero! " I had to get into my car as fast as I could to avoid more ridicule" - straight male student

" I was washing my hands in the bathroom and a lesbian student approached me and said " god hates straight people! You better start liking girls or you will burn in hell for all eternity for your sins!" I had to run away and hide from her because if I stayed it would only get worse"- straight female student

So as you can imagine its been a daily battle for these straight students of New vista Highschool. What will happen in the future? Will there ever be equality for the heterosexual? We may never know..