May's Page

Hipster Student "Attended New Vista Before It Was Cool" 

 Anchor 1: Hipster student, Atticus Auden claims to be one of the student to attend new vista before it was cool. He was there before the mainstream hipsters came but is not planning to stay. "I am too mainstream compared to most students at this school and it would ruin my prestigious hipster image to remain here." Atticus said as he tweaked his mustache and adjusted his glasses. As he is leaving he would like to leave behind the legacy of attending New Vista before it was cool. Attics is now going to attend Fairview a school where he feels he will be much more hipster then the majority of students.

(I like this

Weather: Today's over all new vista weather ranges from 103 to -4. The 100's hall way can expect overall cool temperatures. Loren's art room will reach a record cold for September, -4. The biology room is also expected to have a persistent cold due to the fan we cant control. Although the 200's hallway can expect an average of about 70  degrees and the north side of the 300's hallway is expected to reach temperatures as high as 103.


Gloving Sickness : A new sweeping epidemic is the 'hand dancing sickness'. Students cannot stop hand raving during class. This is greatly disrupting to the teaching and learning at New Vista. There is currently no known cure to this sickness and more and more students are being taken by this sickness. "I cant stop, I try but I just can't" said, student. Marco was so fed up by this hand raving epidemic that he has presaged to remove the students hands from the rest of their body. 

Although he has presaged this to over 10 students, he, as of yet, has not taken any action to his words. There is talk that his sickness might have come from the hand sanitizer in the hallway.  We hope this epidemic will soon come to an end so that New Vistas teaching and learning can resume per-usual. 

New Vista dubbed a second best environmentally conscious school: Recent news reports that New Vista has been labelled as the second best environmentally conscious school, panic has ensued throughout the school. ETF has been outraged by this claim and plans to take this to the superintendent. How could another school be more environmentally friendly than New Vista? students ask. But what school is deemed the most environmentally conscious school? Fairview. thats right fairview, New Vista will not let this stand and is taking action to prove that we are the most environmentally conscious school.  

New Vista Senior Mafia takes school by surprise(Somebody wrote this two years ago

Joel meows at student; people unsure how they feel  (Sadly he's gone)

Student drives through front doors of New Vista because of threat that cookie Friday may be taken away (Somebody wrote this last year)

Obama Fed Up With White House Paintings Puts Add On Craigslist For Interior Decorator

New Vista dubbed as second best environmentally conscious school; panic ensues