

Ex Libris has provided Alma and Primo sandboxes to use for general testing purposes.

Alma Sandboxes

On the Alma side, there are 12 institutional sandboxes and one network zone sandbox. Note that all USG institutions can utilize these sandboxes, they are not just for the 12 represented institutions. The institutional leads were provided with an institutional admin account in all 12 Alma sandboxes (including the network zone). If you do not have this login, please submit a GIL Ticket. Note that you can only use internal logins with the Alma sandboxes.

A few notes about our current Alma Premium Sandboxes:

  • Automatic refresh of the Premium Sandboxes, two times a year, at pre-defined dates (February and August as part of the monthly release, but on the Sunday after the Alma release on production environments)

  • Consortia customers can now order as many Premium sandboxes as they want (at a cost)

  • The "old" Alma sandboxes will remain in place until the end of the year.

  • See the Ex Libris documentation for more details.

Here are the URLs for the Alma Sandboxes:

Primo Sandboxes

As stated above, there are 11 institutional Alma sandbox institutions and one Network Zone sandbox. You can use your Alma sandbox logins to log into Primo to test requesting and various other "My Account" functionality. You can also create other test users within all 11 institutional Alma sandboxes for testing within Primo. Note that you can only use internal logins with the Primo sandboxes.

The links to the Primo sandbox instances are below:

There is a confusing aspect of the Primo Sandbox. In addition to the 3 above instances, all of the other institutions also have Primo sandbox instances, but there is no Alma sandbox linked to these instances, so institutional catalog data is not present for these. That said, these instances are populated with electronic resources from the Alma network zone sandbox. We don't really see any purpose in utilizing these instances, but if you're curious, you can access them if you wish. You can build your URL by replacing your institution's Primo view ID and domain name in the above URLs, and you can figure this out by looking at your production Primo URL. For example, if your institution is Fort Valley, here is your production Primo URL:

So in this case your Primo sandbox URLs would be as follows:

Primo VE:


Alma Information about the new premium sandbox policies