Purchase Orders



This chart is color coded and designed to link workflows together. Colored circles at the edges of this chart are meant to be matched with the corresponding circle colors and circle numbers on the edges of other charts. Blue underscored text hyperlinks to Ex Libris documentation. (Workflow Poster View)

    • Blue - Purchase Orders

    • Yellow - Invoicing

    • Pale Orange - Renewal

    • Pale Red - Receiving


Alma Acquisition Presentation_PO_IZ to NZ.pptx

Alma Acquisition Training PowerPoint Presentation

  • Presented April 6, 2017

  • Purchase Order Workflow and Sharing IZ Brief Record to NZ

  • Download the PPT to read slide notes

Purchase Orders Workflow.pdf

Purchase Orders Workflow: This document shows the process of purchase orders within Alma. The process starts from Purchase Order Methods (i.e. Vendor APIs/Library Service Providers, EOD Files, and Purchase Requests) to Approval and Sending POs.

PO Workflow Basics for Small Orders Wiki Update FY21.docx

PO Workflow Basics: Small Orders

Working from an invoice or small stack of books

Using Non_Alma PO Numbers.pdf

Using Non-Alma PO Numbers (additional information can be found in ExLibris documents, Reviewing PO Lines and Packaging)

Video - Relinking Scenario 1: How to move a PO line from a bibliographic record that only lives in the IZ to the CZ electronic portfolio. Please note steps at the bottom of the screen as there is no audio on this video.

(Thanks to GSU's Jackie Watkins for creating the video.)



California State University System

University of Rhode Island