Expiring Patrons


There are currently 2 different means of setting patron expiration dates via the SIS integration.

  1. Using a date available in the patron data file - your institutions Banner process must be customized to accommodate this

  2. From a file or files present on the GIL SFTP server. See the next section below.

Most institutions have chosen to use the second option.

There is also a manual method for expiring groups of patrons, described at the bottom of the page.

Using the exp_date file(s)

Unless your institution utilizes option 1 above, you will need to ensure that the expiration date files on the GIL FTP server are kept up-to-date with the current preferred patron expiration date.

The exp_date file will 'live' on the GIL FTP server and will be accessed by the patron load process when it runs. If you institution's patron data file includes faculty and staff records, two different files can be used to specify separate dates for the two classes of patrons.

If you do NOT want to specify separate dates for student and faculty/staff users, OR if your fine contains only student users, a single 'exp_date' file should be present on the GIL FTP server for you institution. Maintain the expiration date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format inside this file by downloading the file, modifying the date and uploading the file back to the GIL FTP server.

If you DO want to specify separate dates for student and faculty/staff users, there will be two different exp_date files on the GIL FTP server:

  • exp_date_facstaff

  • exp_date_student

Note: DO NOT CHANGE THE NAMES OF THESE FILES! They are simple text files that can be modified in Notepad or any text editor. please do not add a file type suffix (e.g., .txt). Maintain the expiration date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format inside these files by downloading a file, modifying the date and uploading it back to the GIL FTP server.

Which User Groups map to 'facstaff' and 'student' classes has been determined by GIL Staff. If you find that groups are being incorrectly assigned expiration dates, contact us with details.

Manually Expiring Patrons in Alma

Running a job to change the Expiry Date on a set of Users

This process works on an Alma set of users. Click here for instructions on how to create a set.

1) In the Alma main menu, under "Admin", select "Run a Job"

2) In the Job List, select the circle corresponding to "Update/Notify Users"

3) Select "Next" in the upper right corner

4) Select the circle corresponding to your set of users that you need to expire (Instructions for creating a set)

5) Select "Next" in the upper right corner

6) Now click on the calendar icon on the "Expiry date" line

7) Now select the date that you want to change the Users expiry date to

I chose yesterday's date so that the Users would immediately be expired

8) Select "Next" in the upper right corner

9) Please review your information

10) Now select "Submit" in the upper right corner

A warning box will pop up

11) Select "Confirm"

You can now see your job in the job list and it should be finished soon

You have now successfully changed the expiry date of your set of Users