OCLC Data Sync


Test Phase

  • GIL provides rough sets for two institutions (Georgia Southern and Valdosta) - (Late January) DONE

  • Test institutions review file/set and make modifications – (Mid February) DONE

  • GIL provides OCLC with 2 sets of test files – (Late February) DONE

  • OCLC processes updated files and – Early March DONE

Full Phase

  • Provide full instructions/documentation to all other institutions – Cat Team DONE

  • Provide starter file/set for all institutions who opt in (Early April) - DONE

  • Institutions review file/set and final modifications – (April 27th, 2018) DONE

  • GIL sends all files to OCLC – (Mid May) DONE

  • OCLC processes holdings updates - (June - July) DONE

  • Holdings deletion freeze lifted (August 6th) DONE

  • OCLC returns reports (August) IN PROGRESS

  • GIL Loads updated OCLC numbers (Fall 2018)


What is the purpose of the OCLC data sync?

The purpose of the OCLC data sync is to reset USG holdings in Worldcat to ensure that our holdings are accurately represented there. A side effect of this process is GIL will receive a list of the most recent OCLC control numbers along with an MMSID for all the records we submit, and we'll use this to verify/update this number in each of our records.

What is the OCLC data sync process?

Institutions will provide data sets in Alma for GIL to use to extract and send to OCLC. Institutions will receive general recommendations on how to filter their data sets, for example, not including suppressed or withdrawn records. GIL will add an indication in a marc field showing which institution holds each record (example: 999$a UNG) and send to OCLC. OCLC will then update holdings in OCLC based on this information. After the update, they can then do what they call a sync/delete, which will remove any OCLC holdings that were not updated, the assumption being that if the item wasn't in the Alma data, the institution no longer holds the item. Note that this part of the process is optional. OCLC will send a report detailing which holdings will be deleted prior to running the delete process.

When the entire process is complete, OCLC will send GIL a text file called the “cross reference report” that will contain the latest OCLC number and the IZ MMSID for each record. GIL will then use this to update records in Alma with the latest OCLC number. Note that GIL will only be updating each OCLC control number, not the entire record.

OCLC has 90 days to finish this entire process, but they have let us know it will likely finish sooner.

Will the OCLC data sync affect library staff workflows?

OCLC recommends refraining from deleting holdings in OCLC while they work on your files. If holdings are deleted, staff will need to keep track of these deletions, and then re-delete these holdings after OCLC reloads holdings using the Alma data. Updating holdings is fine, and continuing to allow vendors to automatically update holdings is ok as well. There will not be a need to freeze cataloging after the data sync process as was previously thought.

Libraries need to refrain from deleting NZ bib records during the full phase of this project.

Who to contact with questions?

Please post any questions to gilcat@usg.edu (which will create a ticket in the catalog team libanswers system), or to the Inst-Leads listserv.

Tips on creating your data set

At the beginning of the full phase of this project, each institution will need to create record sets in Alma that GIL will then use to send your records to OCLC. GIL has already created starter sets you, but you will need to further filter these sets to exclude records that you don't want holdings added to in OCLC. Also, if you have multiple OCLC symbols (for example, due to consolidation), you may need more that just the two starter sets provided by GIL. In this case you'll need to have separate sets for each library represented by your OCLC symbols. And if you'd prefer to create your own sets from scratch, that's fine. Please see the "INSTRUCTIONS" section below for details on creating and adding filters to sets.

Here are the starter sets:

GIL: OCLC Data Sync – Electronic

By default: Excludes suppressed or unavailable titles. Only includes local titles that are linked to the NZ (which means these records have an OCLC number).

Note that some institutions have chosen not to send electronic records to OCLC. If this is the case for you, let GIL know on your ticket that you submit when you're done with your sets.

GIL: OCLC Data Sync – Physical

By default: Excludes suppressed titles, and only includes records that are linked to the NZ (which means these will have an OCLC number).

Other things you might want to filter out:

  • Withdrawn locations

  • Filter any other locations the contain records that you don't want in OCLC.

  • Course reserves locations

Note that there are several things GIL will filter out for you, via an indication rule in the publishing profile (in addition to your Alma set filters). Most of these are redundant, but will act as a catch-all for:

  • CZ records (for electronic titles)

  • Records that don't have an OCLC number.

  • Course Reserves (we'll filter out any records with "CR_RESTRICTED " in the 990$a)

When you're done creating your sets, Please let GIL know by creating a ticket. GIL will then export your records using your Alma sets, and communicate with you via your GIL ticket.

Demystifying the reports that you will receive from OCLC

GIL Support will receive four reports from OCLC for each institution. Below is some information about each report.

Cross Reference Report

      • Contains MMS ID and the updated OCLC # for all your records

      • Updated OCLC # may not match in Alma

      • GIL Support will handle this report by comparing the data in the report against Alma and create a separate file for the OCLC #s that don’t match. GIL Support will then update those OCLC #s in Alma.

Unresolved Cross Reference Report

      • Contains only MMS IDs for records that were added to WorldCat

      • This should be a smaller report than the cross reference report.

      • Titles that show up in this report likely have an issue with the 035

      • Cataloging Team will analyze the results and work on records

Bibliographic Exception Detail Report

      • Details a variety of issues with records: Missing 001, Invalid codes, Missing fields, etc.

      • Cataloging Team will analyze the results and work on records

Scan/Delete Report

      • Provides title and OCLC # for materials that are in WorldCat but weren’t in the files extracted from Alma

      • Libraries will individually analyze this report

      • Two options for handling this report:

        • Allow OCLC to delete the holdings contained in this report and then use this report to check your shelves and re-add anything you find

        • Tell OCLC not to delete the holdings contained in this report and then spend time checking your shelves and you delete manually


OCLC Data Sync: Editing GIL Starter Sets

Editing starter sets


Creating sets from scratch

Note: If you create new sets, please set them to "Public" so GIL can see them.


Some of these are questions we asked OCLC, while others are questions member libraries asked GIL:

Q: Would it be beneficial to filter out reference locations from the Alma sets used to send records to OCLC?

A: This is a local choice. GA Southern included theirs because sometimes they loan a reference book or send copies of pages. The overall ideal is to have OCLC represent all of your holdings whether you lend them or not. Having the OCLC database has benefits outside of inter-library loan. It can be helpful sometimes just to see what libraries hold certain titles, even if lending is not an option.

Q: Can we just update holdings in OCLC, and not wipe the holdings slate clean:

A: Yes this is possible. They wait to do the delete until AFTER they do the holdings updates. Anything that wasn’t updated by the sync, it is assumed that the institution no longer holds it, and so it would be removed. They say that we could skip the delete step for all, or skip it just for select institutions (since the deletions are done in groups by institution OCLC code). Also, they can send us a report showing which holdings would be removed for each institution before processing the delete, and folks could base their decision on whether or not to do the delete based on that report.

Q: What if we have multiple OCLC symbols (e.g. separate symbols for each campus)? Most of the schools that have been consolidated have multiple symbols (Augusta, MGA, UNG, etc).

A: If you have multiple OCLC symbols and would like to keep it that way, you will need to provide a separate set of records in Alma for each OCLC symbol.


OCLC Information on Data Sync

This is OCLC's help site on the data sync process.