Interface Changes

For changes to the Primo interface, the GIL OPAC/Discovery Committee is the first point of contact.

Library staff across USG institutions who wish to request a change to the Primo interface, including institution-specific customizations, may use the form at You must first be logged into any Google account to use the form. Institution-specific customizations may include:

      • Institutional branding (e.g., logos and search bar header color).

      • Custom scopes (e.g., specific libraries, collections, or resource types).

      • Stable URLs in the My Account area (e.g., a link to the institution’s accounts payable portal).

      • Send To menu options (e.g., enable, disable, or rename options).

      • Inclusion of additional citation style languages.

      • Inclusion of LibAnswers and libraryh3lp chat widgets.

      • Default sort order of facet options for individual facets on the result list (i.e., alphabetical or by number of results).

      • Default number of facet options displayed for individual facets on the result list (e.g., collapse a facet by default).

      • Addition of the NLM Classification facet.

      • Customize select alerts (e.g., label 401134: "You have started a request for this item. Complete the form below to submit your request.")

Changes will be made by ITS staff following the recommendations and approval of the OPAC/Discovery Committee.

See a running list of items currently under review by the OPAC/Discovery Committee here:

See a history of past renorms here:

See an archived list of past items here:


Troubleshooting Quick Links: