RACL Information Literacy Committee


RACL-IL will foster the adoption and use of best practices in information literacy at all University System of Georgia institutions; serve as a sounding board/generative body for IL initiatives related to libraries; and work to inform USG broadly about how instruction and reference librarians serve as partners in teaching and learning initiatives. The group will recommend opportunities to implement those best practices across the University System of Georgia to the Regents Academic Committee on Libraries.

Save the dates for our Spring & Summer 2025 events!

Summer 2024

Career Pivots 3: Promoting Yourself

July 16, 2- 3:30

In this third session within the Career Pivots series your RACL-IL team will lead an interactive workshop on selling yourself through your yearly evaluations, promotion, and tenure.


Spring 2024

Career Pivots 2: How to Publish and NOT Perish

Monday, March 25th at 2 pm 

In this second session within the Career Pivots series your RACL-IL team will lead an interactive workshop on all things publishing. This session will feature brief opening remarks and then attendees will be divided into the following breakout rooms:

The session will close with a brief discussion of promotion requirements and their relationship to the publishing process.

Fall 2023

Career Pivots 1 : Teaching!

Tuesday, November 14, 2pm

This workshop, the first in a three-part series, will take on three teaching conundrums:



Join us as we share possible ways to tackle these questions on 11/14 at 2 PM!


Thank you to Betsy Fleming (Georgia Highlands College) and Catherine Bowers (Valdosta) for sharing their conundrums with us!

Steering Committee Members

Please contact one of the members of the Steering Committee for information about RACL-IL's activities or to bring an issue before the group.

Research University Group

Comprehensive University Group

State University Group

State College Group

Ex-Officio Group


RACL-IL Bylaws (Approved 2021) 

Become a Member

All USG-affiliated employees are welcome to join our General Membership by joining our listserv:

Join our Steering Committee

The Steering Committee consists of a Chairperson, Chairperson-Elect, Past-Chairperson, five to ten at-large members who are librarians from each USG group, a Regents Academic Committee on Libraries representative, and a GALILEO representative. A call for nominations will be announced in October and elections will be held in November.

Leave our Listserv

To unsubscribe from our listserv please send an email to: USG-INFOLIT-signoff-request@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU

Professional Development Recordings

Is Reference (Un)dead?

Career Pivots: Teaching

Library Advocacy and our Campuses

USG InfoLit During the Time of COVID-19 Panel Discussion

Case Study: GCSU Course Development