Email Notifications

Configuring Email Notifications for Scheduled Patron Load Job

Note: This is only applicable to your institution if the SIS Integration job has been configured by GIL staff to run on a schedule.

Note: Changes here will require the General System Administrator role.

Step 1 - Navigate to Manage Jobs

In the Alma main menu, under "Admin" , click on "Monitor Jobs"

Step 2 - Find User SYNCHRONIZE Job

  1. Select 'Scheduled' tab

2. Select 'Users' for the 'Filter' value

3. Locate row with name 'Users SYNCHRONIZE using profile Student Information System'

4. Click the '...' button and select 'Email Notifications'

Step 3 - Add contact information

1. You can either add an email address by itself (under 'Subscribers by Email Address'), or

2. You can attach an Alma user account (under 'Subscribers by User'). If you add an Alma user, the primary email address associated with the user will be used.

After adding user(s) or email(s), be sure to click the save button!

Example Notification Email content


Emails will come from Alma using the email unless your institution has configured an alternate value for System Job Letter emails.