Marcive GPO


Note that this is a general overview of the Marcive GPO project and how records are loaded. For information on working with these records, please see the the FDL Marcive section under the cataloging area of the training wiki. After going live with Alma in 2017, GIL purchased a central subscription to Marcive's GPO service, providing records for resources made available from the US Government Printing Office (GPO) to USG institutions. These records include electronic resources as well as records representing physical items.


There are three separate loads that run for these records: shipping list, catalog record, and electronic records.

Shipping List Loads

The Marcive Shipping List Service (SLS) provides brief, preliminary MARC records corresponding to materials GPO is packing up for weekly distribution to depository libraries. The following institutions subscribe to the Shipping List service from Marcive: :

  • Augusta University

  • Columbus State University

  • University of Georgia

Files are typically made available by Marcive midday each Tuesday and are downloaded by an automated GIL process every Tuesday at 10pm. These files are then loaded into each of the above institutions' Alma at 4am each Saturday. These records arrive monthly, but there isn't an optimal monthly scheduling option in Alma for loading these records, so the job runs weekly. Update 3/2018: We discovered that if the same record is loaded by multiple institutions at close to the same time, it can create duplicates of that record in the NZ. We have attempted to correct this by loading UGA's shipping list records prior to loading everyone else's. UGA's import job runs every day at 7pm (nothing happens unless there are files to pick up).

If you are interested in viewing the import history on these files, the import profiles are called GPO Physical - Shiplist. Note that these records are imported suppressed, so they should not appear in GIL-Find.

Catalog Record Loads

This load (also known as Monthly Notification Service, or SLM) contains records whose purpose is to replace the brief SLS records with full-level cataloging. Files are typically made available by Marcive early in the month and are downloaded by an automated GIL process that checks for the file every Friday at 1pm. When a file is found, it is loaded into each of the above institutions' Alma at 4am on the Saturday after the file is available. Note that there is one exception to this. UGA checks for the file every night. This was to correct an issue that was creating duplicate shiplist records in the NZ.

If you are interested in viewing the import history on these files, the import profiles are called GPO Physical - Catalog.

Electronic Record Loads

This load contains records representing electronic and web-based government documents. Files are typically made available by Marcive early in the month and are downloaded by an automated GIL process that checks for the file every Friday at 1pm. When a file is found, it is loaded into the Alma Network Zone (into the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) Electronic Collection) at 4am on the Saturday after the file is available. These records are made available for all USG institutions.

If you are interested in viewing the import history on these files, and you have access to the NZ, the import profiles are as follows:

  • GPO Electronic - Book

  • GPO Electronic - Journal

  • GPO Electronic - Map

  • GPO Electronic - Music

  • GPO Electronic - Visual

Viewing Import Profile History

To view import profile load history, simply click the action button to the right of the import profile and click "History" (see screenshot below). From the history page (not shown) you can then use the action button to view the load report or the records imported during that particular load.


Marcive GPO Website

General info about the Marcive GPO subscription service.