GOBI API is a vendor application that connects the GOBI vendor (Previously known as YBP) directly with Alma (via the Alma API) to perform acquisitions tasks. It's designed to simplify acquisitions workflows when making purchases through GOBI. GOBI API is not free, so it may not be worth it for everyone, but if you have a high volume of purchases with GOBI, it could save a lot of time for your acquisitions staff. Again, to clarify, it does not work with all vendors, it only comes into play when making purchases through GOBI. When the GOBI API is connected with your Alma instance, and you purchase an item from GOBI:

  • The order data is sent to Alma,

  • Alma creates a PO line,

  • A brief record and inventory item is created in Alma

  • Alma pushes the PO line number (refered to as a POL) to GOBI

  • GOBI creates an open order for this item, linked to the Alma-generated POL

  • The PO line is processed in Alma

  • If the order requires manual review, Alma sends it to the In Review task list.


Screencast Demo

Video showing GOBI API in use. Requires a browse with Flash installed.

Real Time Acquisitions Overview

This is an Ex Libris blog post describing in general terms how vendors like GOBI can utilize the Alma API to create connectors similar to GOBI API. There are a few other select vendors that have implemented a similar connector, and these are called out in this blog post.

Defining an Integration profile with your preferred match rule

If the default match rules are not sufficient, you can apparently set up a custom integration profile that GOBI will use.