Activating E-Resources

This chart is color coded and designed to link workflows together. Colored circles at the edges of this chart are meant to be matched with the corresponding circle colors and circle numbers on the edges of other charts. Blue underscored text hyperlinks to Ex Libris documentation. (Workflow Poster View)
Purple - Electronic Resources
The workflow for activating e-resources is different than those workflows for SFX and Full Text Finder. These workflows and procedures will give you an idea of how to activate different content that your library may purchase.

Activating Complete Packages from the CZ
The documentation below describes how to activate complete packages from the CZ. For instance, if your institution purchased the complete Sage Premier 2017 package, you would activate the whole package from the CZ.

Activating Selective Titles from the CZ
For many libraries, purchasing individual titles instead of whole packages is a normal occurrence. In the documentation below, there is a step by step workflow for how to activate a selective package from the CZ either by manual activation or file upload using an Excel spreadsheet.

Creating Local Collections
In most cases, your institution can activate selective and/or complete packages within the CZ. However, there are times when local portfolios and local collections need to be created if the content cannot be found in the CZ. The following documentation will cover how to create local portfolios and local collections within Alma.

Creating Local Portfolios
A portfolio is the specific coverage, services, and link information relevant for a particular electronic title. Portfolios may be defined as standalone entities or as part of an electronic collection. Alma enables you to create and update portfolios separately from the workflow used to add local electronic collections. For more information on adding local electronic collections.

Localize Portfolio Coverage Information
Coverage dates can be changed to reflect local entitlements.

Adding PO Lines to an Active Electronic Collection
GALILEO Consortial Resources
For a list of all of the GALILEO base package and cost-share resources to be activated in the Network Zone, please see GALILEO NZ Activated Resources.
Films on Demand: FOD is a locally loaded collection maintained in the NZ for each institution by GALILEO staff and only contains titles from the FOD Master Academic Collection.
Titles are added and removed twice a year: January and July.
As titles are added and removed, the spreadsheet below will be updated with the list of added and deleted titles.
Primo Publishing Schedule
3 times a day
Every six hours
When to start 4am
Primo (hour later)
Start at 5am
Every six hours
This Ex Libris documentation includes how to add a local collection, managing local portfolios, activating electronic resources, and many other topics.
Managing Electronic Resources
Integration Profile (Ovid, Elsevier)