Searching Primo

All Results

To list all resources available under the current OPAC instance and scope (equivalent to FT Y OR FT N in GALILEO Discover Search), search: 01g*


Name Format: GIL-Find may return different results for different name formats (e.g., "First Last", "Last, First") regardless of the applied search method (e.g., "contain", "exact phrase", "begins with". Patrons should be instructed to search multiple formats of a given name or use the author browse search.

Initials: GIL-Find may return different results for different representations of author initials (e.g., "ee cummings" vs. "e e cummings" vs. "e.e. cummings" vs. "e. e. cummings"). Patrons should be instructed to search multiple representations of initials or use the author browse search.


Exact Titles: To search for exact titles, search the title field using one of the following search methods:

            • Simple Search Prefilters: Use either "that contain my search words" OR "with my exact phrase"

            • Advanced Search Screen: Use either "contains" OR "contains phrase" OR "starts with (omit initial article)"

Using Facets

    • Creation Date: Some electronic records in the CZ are coded with a creation date of “uuuu”. These records will be included in your search results regardless of any creation date range applied using the Creation Date facet.