
The following is what to do when republishing records to Alma after location change.

1) Edit physical location information:

    • On the Physical Locations List page (Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Locations > Physical Locations), select Edit in the row actions list for a location.

    • On the Edit Physical Location page, in the Physical Location Details section, edit the location information as required. For information on this page, see Adding a Physical Location:.

    • In the Physical Location Circulation Desks List section:

        1. To create a new circulation desk and associate it with the physical location, select Attach New Circulation Desk. For additional information, see Adding a Circulation Desk.

        2. To associate an existing circulation desk with the physical location, select the circulation desk from the drop down list, select the services provided by the circulation desk to the physical location, and select Attach Existing Circulation Desk. For additional information, see Adding a Circulation Desk

    • Select Save to store the changes you made to the physical location.

2) Create a logical set for that new location:

    • Go to 'Manage Sets' from main menu:

    • Perform the appropriate location search on titles:

    • Save the set.

    • ­Perform the ‘Mark Records to be Published by NZ Job’ on that set. You may want to test this on one record (make a set with just one record) to make sure that works (see the 3 below images)

Note: You may have a Normalization Rule that changes the name of the location for facet purposes. You should have GIL Support go over the appropriate mapping table to see if that also needs to be changed. (So far, only GASOU is affected by this.)