Electronic Resource Management


Consortial E-Resources Overview — In the ALMA environment, there is a single consortial e-resource model for all institutions; that is, the institutional library manages its own locally acquired and licensed e-resources, and GALILEO manages the consortially acquired and licensed e-resources. The Consortial E-Resources Overview document will help define policies and procedures surrounding the activation of resources available in the CZ and NZ and for resources that are not.

The goal of the ERM section is not to reproduce ExLibris' step by step instructions, but rather to provide clarity on what is happening with each workflow and focused access to the instructions. Each ERM sub-page includes a brief overview with workflow charts to provide a snapshot of the workflow, local documents created by the team to provide clarity, links to ExLibris documentation on relevant topics, and supplemental links to other helpful consortial websites.

The main ERM page provides links to updates, the glossary, roles, and tutorials that will help you use this site and stay abreast of the latest changes to Alma. Many terms are new and confusing to the novice Alma user, so noteworthy terms have been defined in the glossary section. All ERM roles have been defined, but more detailed information can be found in the link.

ERM Webinar - from 04/05/2017

(Webex app or software needed: Webex Viewer; WebEx for Android, Webex for Itunes)

Central Knowledge Base (CKB) — The part of the Community Zone that contains linking information to electronic resources around the world. See Introduction to Alma Inventory

Collection — An Alma catalog entity (top level collection or sub-collection) that groups any number and type of resources together, allowing for enhanced organization of mixed-type materials based on topic-based hierarchical structures. See Managing Collections.

Community Zone — Ex Libris maintained resources available to all Alma institutions. Incorporates the Knowledge Base, the Community Catalog, and Global Authority Files. Can be accessed by any institution that is part of Alma for cataloging purposes. See Introduction to Alma Inventory

Database — A type of electronic collection whose resources cannot be individually managed through an interface. See Working with Database Type Electronic Collections.

Electronic collection — A collection of electronic resources that can contain packages (which include portfolios) or databases (which include URLs). See Managing Electronic Collections.

Electronic resource — A digital object that is stored and managed externally from the local library or Institution Zone. See Managing Electronic Resources.

Institution Zone — The area of the Metadata Management System comprising local institutional data such as locally managed bibliographic records, locally activated electronic portfolios, and local physical holdings. See Introduction to Alma Inventory.

Inventory — The resources that are owned or licensed by or associated with a particular library, institution, or consortium. All descriptive bibliographic metadata resides in the repository and can be edited using the Metadata management system. See Introduction to Alma Inventory.

Job — A scheduled, invoked, or on-request process that runs in the background. See Overview of Jobs.

Local portfolio — A portfolio that exists in the Institution Zone. See portfolio.

Localizing — Creating a local copy of something, such as an electronic resource. The item is copied from the Community Zone to the Institution Zone. For electronic resources, this is typically done before or while activating the resource. See Activating Electronic Resources.

Network Zone — A management tool used by a collaborative network to centrally manage certain features, such as configuration tables, licenses, and records. A virtual institution (also called the Network Zone) is used as the management interface and central repository and catalog. See Managing Multiple Institutions Using a Network Zone.

OpenURL — A type of Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that contains the address of an OpenURL Web site combined with the item's identification. The Alma Link Resolver responds to OpenURL requests and directs the patron to the resource. For more information, see http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/category/sfxopenurl.

Portfolio (Inventory) — The specific coverage, services, and link information relevant for a particular electronic title within an electronic collection. May include administrative/access information. May be local or global. See Managing Local Portfolios.

Set — A group of items or a saved search query. A set is created so that multiple items can be worked on by a job. See Managing Search Queries and Sets. A set is either logical or itemized.

To manage electronic resources, you must have the following roles:

  • Electronic Inventory Operator

  • Electronic Inventory Operator Extended (required for delete operations)

  • Repository Manager (required for assigning electronic resource activation tasks to others)


Training included is generally not configuration details. Those can be found in the Project Wiki. Those at your institution who are Alma certified can make configuration changes required. In many cases, crossover training will be required for certain staff. The institution is responsible for identifying those individuals and building appropriate training. The training list put together in this wiki is not a definitive list of all available resources, but we hope it is a list of the main concepts.