Training Resources

Cataloging training resources form a variety of sources

ExLibris Training Sessions

Training Sessions offered to USG

When watching these recordings, the viewer should note that workflows and procedures vary from library to library within the University System of Georgia (USG). Because of these variances and the nature of working in a shared catalog with other USG libraries, it is important that you view ExLibris-supplied training information as an introduction to Alma and some of the possible workflows. Please consult your library’s procedures and the USG Cataloging Policies and best practices found throughout this wiki prior to work in Alma.

For example, Alma’s terminology for deleting a record (‘withdraw’) is the same as the terminology used by librarians in reference to permanently removing items from their collections because of collection weeding or damage. However, the workflow for managing these weeded or damaged items in the catalog depends on library policy and may involve the use of withdrawn locations as opposed to deleting records.

  • Session 1 : Cataloging and MD Editor

GALILEO-Session 4 Cataloging and MD Editor.mp4
  • Session 2 : Bulk Cataloging

GALILEO-Session 5 Bulk Cataloging.mp4