Data Visualization

Visualizing Electronic Resources Data in Analytics

The examples below come from member institutions and include instructions for how to recreate the visualization with data from your own institution.

Pivot Table.pdf

Pivot Table for Usage Statistics

Total Item Requests by Month and Year

This example was created by Jim Rickerson at Clayton State University.

Instructions for creating a pivot table with usage by month and year (chronological) with totals for each year. This report could easily be changed to show Fiscal month and year. The usage statistics were obtained with SUSHI harvesting. More information about loading COUNTER Reports in Alma can be found on the Loading COUNTER Reports wiki page.

Line Graph.docx

Line Graph for Usage Statistics

Total Item Requests by Month and Year

This example was created by Jim Rickerson at Clayton State University.

This example shows you how to create a monthly line graph with multiple years of usage for comparison. Statistics were obtained with SUSHI harvesting. More information about loading COUNTER Reports in Alma can be found on the Loading COUNTER Reports wiki page.

Pie Graph for Wiki.docx

Pie Chart for Usage Statistics

Total Item Requests by Month and Year

This example was created by Jim Rickerson at Clayton State University.

The usage statistics were obtained with SUSHI harvesting. More information about loading COUNTER Reports in Alma can be found on the Loading COUNTER Reports wiki page. This example shows how to create a 3D pie chart.

GUGM 2022 - Overlap Report -by material types (electronic and print).pdf

Overlap Report by Material Type

Collection Development Report by Material Type

This example was created by Jim Rickerson at Clayton State University.

This report indicates where there may be an overlap between physical and electronic holdings. Answers such questions as which subject areas have higher rates of duplication and are these rates too high?

GUGM 2022 - Cleanup Report - Portfolios with static URLs.pdf

Cleanup Report - Static URLs

Cleanup Report

This example was created by Jim Rickerson at Clayton State University.

This report identifies portfolios with static URLs. Knowing which portfolios have static URLs is useful if a vendor changes their link format or may indicate those portfolios where you may wish to check if there is a CZ record with parser parameters which could be activated instead.

GUGM 2022 - Age of Collection.pdf

Age of Collection - filtered by eBooks

Collection Development Report

This example was created by Jim Rickerson at Clayton State University.

This report can be filtered by electronic or physical books. It shows the number of titles held by decade and LC Classification. This data can help determine the currency of your collections.

GUGM 2022 - Usage by Platform - Platform Master Report (PR_P1).pdf

Usage by Platform - Platform Master Report

Usage Report

This example was created by Jim Rickerson at Clayton State University.

This report provides COUNTER 5 usage by fiscal year for different metrics (searches, requests) and provides a grand total for each row. It can be used to gauge user engagement with a resource and can easily be tweaked to provide information on investigations or displayed as a table or graph.

Short How-To Videos

How to sort columns in analytics reports

How To Video - full screen

This example was created by Jim Rickerson at Clayton State University.

This video shows you how to rearrange the order of your columns after you create your analytics report. There are 2 methods. Drag and drop the columns or click Edit View and resort in the Columns and Measures row.

How to exclude columns in analytics reports

How To Video - full screen

This example was created by Jim Rickerson at Clayton State University.

How to hide columns in a report if you don't want them to display in your finished report. You can exclude columns but leave the measures and dimensions in your report to use later.

How to add table prompts (dropdown menus)

How To Video - full screen

This example was created by Jim Rickerson at Clayton State University.

How to add dropdown prompts to tables (or graphs). This video shows two methods for adding prompts to a table and how you can easily edit the look of an existing table into a new report by adding additional measures.

How to format data using conditional formatting

How To Video - full screen

This example was created by Jim Rickerson at Clayton State University.

This video shows how to use conditional formatting to change cell colors, font and font styles as well as background colors in your analytics reports.

How to add row numbers to a table

How To Video - full screen

This example was created by Jim Rickerson at Clayton State University.

This video shows you how add row numbers to an analytics report table using the RCOUNT(1) function.

Analytics Report Request Form

Use the form below to request assistance creating a report, to suggest a report be added to the shared folder, or instructions added to the WIKI page.

Analytics assessment report request form - full screen

If you are struggling with analytics and would like to ask members of the Assessment or ERM Committees for assistance creating a report, you can use the Assessment Report Request Form.

You may also use this form to request reports that would like to see us post to the WIKI or Shared folder for the benefit of everyone in the USG. If you would like to contribute report instructions to this page please send a copy of your PDF to:

Lamonica Sanford, Assessment, Chair

Jim Rickerson, Acquisitions and ERM, Chair

The Shared folder can be accessed from Design Analytics by following this path:

Shared Folders/Community/Reports/Consortia/GALILEO/GUGM22 Acq Reports