Load Instructions


The below instructions, along with the login credentials provided to you by GIL, will allow you to provide patron files for GIL to use for the Alma patron load process. The process is basically a matter of obtaining your fresh patron files from your student information system, and then uploading them to the GIL server.


Download an FTP program. If you've already done this and configured your connection, great! Proceed to Step 1:

  1. Go to https://filezilla-project.org/ and download and install the FileZilla Client.

  2. After installing Filezilla, open the program and you should see the following screen

  3. Click on the file menu at the top and select “Site Manager”

  4. In the pop-up window, select “New Site”

  5. Now fill in the information as follows:

    1. Host: gilftp.galib.uga.edu

    2. Port: 990

    3. Protocol: SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol

    4. Logon Type: Normal

    5. User: Will be provided by GIL Support

    6. Password: Will be provided by GIL Support

  6. Click Connect at the bottom of the pop-up.

  7. In the pop-up dialog, check the box and then select Ok.

  8. You can now see your files on the left, and the server files on the right.


Patron Files

At minimum, a single patron file needs to be provided for the Patron Load process to run. You can upload files by dragging them from a folder on your computer onto the SFTP server's location (the right-side pane) in FileZilla. You can upload more than one patron file, for example a student and a faculty/staff file. After the files are processed, they will be moved out of your drop location and archived.

Expiration Date Files

See this section for details on the required expiration date files.

Barcode Files

Some institutions provide barcode files that allow patrons to have an additional 'Barcode' type identifier. If you have these files, ensure that they are uploaded along with the patron files. These files are archived along with Patron files once the job is complete.


The jobs that pick up your file, process it and send it to Alma will execute at 10PM each evening. If a file is found and processed, the designated institutional contact will receive an email that the file was processed and sent to Alma.

Alma will process the file and provide report output for you to review. See instructions for viewing this information here.