Women's Colleges

Women's colleges can be a great fit for students identifying as female -- they often emphasize leadership, foster tight-knit communities, and offer a stellar education. Below are listed the CollegePoint women's colleges, with what sets them apart.

Agnes Scott College

  • Strong traditions, urban, known for pre-health, test optional

Barnard College

  • Close partnership with Columbia, not a fit for someone who just wants to be at Columbia, ambitious student body

Bryn Mawr College

  • Huge focus on diversity; liberal, political, pro-LGBT

College of St. Benedict's

Catholic, sister school of St John's, in small-town MN, emphasis on leadership

Mount Holyoke College

  • Research oriented, part of multiple consortiums, 27% international students

Saint Mary's College

  • Catholic, sister school of Norte Dame, nursing

Scripps College

  • Part of Claremont consortium, emphasis on interdisciplinary learning, 86% of students had an internship

Simmons University

  • Known for health sciences, has a co-ed grad school, emphasis on career training, 14% of students are adult-learners

Smith College

  • Classes have feminist bias, designed to provoke critical thought, no core curriculum

Spelman College

  • HBCU, character & personal qualities most important aspect of application, STEM emphasis, high law school application rate

Wellesley College

  • Focus on STEM & women leaders in STEM, opportunity to take classes at MIT & Babson