Dickinson College

Location: Carlisle, PA (suburban, large town)

Size: 2,173 students

Avg percent need-met: 99%

Acceptance rate: 48%

Middle 50% ACT: 27-31 **Test Blind**

Middle 50% SAT: 1260-1390 **Test Blind**

Dickinson has a serious focus on global engagement and service; more than half of students study abroad. Students have a lot of freedom to study under different disciplines and have control over their courses. A lot is expected of students, with several hours of outside work required each day, but professors are accessible and eager to assist. Outside of the classroom, the student body is friendly and involved, and they have an inclusive and energetic party scene.

Popular majors / known for: Psychology, Business, Environmental Science, Economics

Academic approach: Liberal arts with a huge focus on globalism; encourages students to be decisive, useful, curious, and unafraid to take risks. They put a large emphasis on freedom and adaptability.

Fun fact: While Dickinson’s Red Devil adorns the sports uniforms and stadiums, the “Green Devil” is an alternative mascot for the campus's environmental initiatives! Go Green Devils!

  • See a list of campus traditions here.

Check out campus photos here!


  • Campus houses the Center for Sustainability Education, which works to maintain progress toward the campus’s environmental goals and intertwine all aspects of a Dickinson education with sustainability.

  • Sustainability part of curriculum and hope students will develop skills to be sustainable leaders for the future. Part of general ed requirements

  • Cool initiatives called Living Laboratories across campus, including an Organic farm and The Hive, where faculty and students are taught beekeeping!

Application Details

RD deadline: January 15th

Early Action deadline: None

Supplemental essays: Required for Merit Scholarship

Application fee: $65 (waiver available)

On Common App: Yes

CSS profile: Required, due January 15th

Interviews: Considered

Page last updated: May 2022