MAC 2311
Calculus I
College Calculus I MAC 2311: 4 hours college credit. College Calculus I is taught as a more traditional class with possibly some online components. Students are expected to read the text, take notes in class, complete homework assignments on time, and be prepared for quizzes and tests.
Office Hours: I am available before school and after school or tutoring or a meeting. Please contact me by email or see me after class to schedule a time to meet.
Supplies: Pencil, paper, TI-84, 84+, 84 Silver Edition, etc... graphing calculator, Notebook/folder to keep notes and papers organized.
Calendar and Syllabus: The tentative course calendar and course syllabus are linked below.
No Cell phone use during class unless approved by Mrs. Robertson! As per Florida House bIll # CS/HB 379 Technology in K-12 Public Schools: "The bill prohibits students from using wireless communications devices at school during instructional time, except when expressly directed by a teacher solely for educational purposes and requires a teacher to designate an area for wireless communications devices during instructional time." Our designated area will be a lock box located at the front of the classroom. All cell phones or other electronic communication devices will be placed in the lockbox upon entering the classroom and will be picked up at the end of the class period.
MAC 2311 Calculus 1 Tentative Course Calendar MAC 2311 Calculus Syllabus Fall 2024