Ms. Nelson
Welcome to Room 5-214
Hey Students!
I hope you have all had a relaxing summer break and are ready to come back strong for the 2024-2025 school year! I look forward to working with you this year. A few things I want to let you know right from the start:
Phones will be placed in the tech locker when you enter class. You will not be permitted to access your phone, earbuds/Airpods, or other electronics unless I specifically tell you. They are the single-most biggest distraction to your learning. Any emergency correspondence should be handled through the front office during class time.
I am not here to teach you WHAT to think, but HOW to think. Because this is a college-level class, some of what we read will offer a different viewpoint from what you may hold. We are analyzing rhetoric. It is inevitable.
I do not GIVE you grades. You EARN them. The verbs have entirely different meanings.
That being said, my biggest and main goal is to help you earn the highest possible grade.
ENC1101 and 1102 Students: Please see the syllabus linked below for ALL information pertaining to your class. This class is NOT run through the high school, but through the college.
AP Language and Composition Students: Please take a moment to review the late work and make-up work policy posted below.
To help you navigate where to find any classwork you may need, please look at the guidelines below:
All of my classwork will be loaded on Canvas.
After you have looked over the agenda, handouts, and materials, make a list of questions (if you have any) to ask me.
I am available first period for any questions during the school day.
I am also available Monday through Thursday from 2:45 - 4 pm. This is for any assistance you may need outside the normal school day.
Additionally, all of you should sign up Canvas on your phone so you can get important announcements.
Please feel free to email me with questions, as well. I check it throughout the day.
Parents and Students: Most apps are available through Clever.
There are some, however, which you may have to access via Google waffle.
If you run into any trouble accessing these platforms, please reach out to me.
Supply List
Please have the following materials with you every day:
Charged Chromebooks
One 1-inch binder with five dividers (should stay in the classroom)
Colored pencils OR Markers OR crayons
Headphones compatible with the Chromebooks
lined paper
AP Language and Composition
Student and Parent Syllabus Acknowledgement Form
Please review the course syllabus with your parent. You will get a hard copy and a signature form the first full week of school to complete with your parent. Yes. Hard copy. Going old school.

About me
My name is Patti Nelson and I am entering my 22nd year of teaching this school year! I began teaching in NJ, but moved to Florida specifically to teach at The Villages Charter High School in 2016. I am so honored and proud to be part of the VCS family. Go Buffalo!!
I have a Bachelors in English from Rutgers University, a Masters in Education from Wilmington University, and have my Masters in English.
When I am not working, I spend time with my daughters, Leah and Paige, who are High School and Middle School students. I am also married to a fellow English teacher.