Mrs. Kotch


     Business & Entrepreneurial Principles

                             Accounting Applications

                                                      FBLA Adviser

Hello everyone and welcome to my
Teacher Connection Page!

I am excited to begin this school year with you at our beautiful Middleton Campus! This is my 21st year as a Business Education Teacher and my 6th school year at The Villages High School. I am thrilled to be part of the Buffalo Family.

A little background information about me:
I completed my Bachelor's Degree in Business Education in 2003 and my Master's Degree in 2006. I taught business subjects at a high school in Northeastern Pennsylvania and was an adjunct instructor at a university there as well. Tiring of the cold weather and snow and seeing how happy our family members are here in The Villages, my husband and I decided to relocate here in January of 2019 and we couldn't be any happier. We love living in The Villages! We have a wonderful son and daughter who are both married to terrific people and two adorable granddaughters.

As with this year and all prior years, I have very high expectations of my students. I promise to deliver engaging lessons and will provide extra help whenever needed. My main goal is to help you succeed.

I wish you the best with this course and all your other courses and extracurricular activities this year. I want you to be successful and success is possible with effort.

Mrs. Kotch
Room 5-216

The main form of communication is Google Classroom. Parents, to request an invitation to join...just email me!

Supplies List -- all classes:

KOTCH Syllabus Accounting Applications.pdf
KOTCH Syllabus Business and Entrepreneurial Principles.pdf

Have you ever watched Shark Tank? If so, you already know what entrepreneurs are. They have innovative ideas. They are risk takers. They are the backbone of our economy. And they never quit. Whether you are enrolled in Entrepreneurship or Accounting, you will learn all about entrepreneurs, business strategies, management, marketing, financing a business, and creating budgets. At the same time, you will learn critical life skills such as problem-solving, brainstorming ideas, taking risks, facing failure (and getting up again!) setting goals, working together, and feeling comfortable working individually. Lessons from these courses will last you a lifetime!'s time for you to become an entrepreneur...what business will you choose?