School Behavior Management Plan

INTERVENTION STEPS: Clarify this is not daily; this cumulative for semester.

2. Private conference with the student - WARNING - next step will result in parent contact

3. Parent Contact - warning that the next occurrence will result in an assigned after-school detention 

4. Parent contact and After-School Detention.  Room 220 - 2:45-3:25

**Detentions will not be rescheduled, unless a parent/guardian calls, provides written documentation, or if a student is absent on the day of detention.  A missed detention will result in a Saturday School**

5. Parent contact and DISCIPLINE REFERRAL - see progression plan below. 

1st Referral - Documentation of referral on behavior record and After School Detention

2nd Referral - Saturday School / ISS - In School Suspension

3rd Referral - Saturday School / ISS - In School Suspension

4th Referral - Saturday School / ISS - In School Suspension

5th Referral - Out of School Suspension (OSS) Behavior Contract & Parent meeting