Dr. Nereim

Room 5-204

DE Introduction to Literature


This course is designed to enhance personal appreciation of literature, hone critical thinking skills, and provide instruction in the MLA research paper. Introduction to Literature presents the major literary forms, skills in reading and writing about literature, their distinctive characteristics and conventions, principal literary themes, and different critical approaches. This introductory course prepares students for further literary study. This course includes reading, speaking, and writing competencies. 

The LSSC fall semester runs from August 21st to LSSC exam week (December 4-8).  

Supply List

English 2


The purpose of this course is to provide grade-10 students with an essential Language Arts education, using texts of high complexity, integrated study in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language usage for college/career preparation and readiness.

Supply List

PI Requests: tissues, paper towels, highlighters (various colors), Clorox-type wipes [If you donate, please make sure I know that the items came from you... Thank you!]

DE Introduction to Literature Syllabus

DE Introduction to Literature Syllabus

Course Overview

English 2 Syllabus 23/24

English 2

Course Overview & Resources

Dr. Michele Nereim


Locally rooted, with over a decade of teaching experience,
I earned my BA in English from University of Florida, my MFA from Florida State University, and my PhD in literature & creative writing from the University of Houston, where I was a James A and Isabel M Elkins fellow. I served as Digital and then Managing Editor on the nationally distributed literary journal Gulf Coast. My own creative work has been featured on public radio and was awarded the Joan & Stanford Alexander Prize and the Donald Barthelme Prize for Fiction. My personal research interests are vast--writing craft, neuroscience, history, theory & criticism, etc.--and intricately woven into my teaching.