Hello and welcome to my class! I am so very excited to meet everyone. This is going to be a great year full of literary exploration, collaboration, and education. We will be honing our writing skills and practicing our critical reading skills. I'm looking forward to having a wonderful year with everyone!
Pre-AP English 2
Supply List
Headphones compatible with the Chromebooks
Blue or Black pens
One three-prong folder
We will be using Google Classroom as a central hub for most (if not all) assignments.
Pre-AP English 2 builds on the foundation of the Pre-AP English 1 course, with an emphasis on the recursive moves that matter in preparing students for the challenges of college-level reading, writing, and discussion. While Pre-AP English 1 introduces the fundamental routines of close observation, critical analysis, and appreciation of the author’s craft, Pre-AP English 2 requires students to apply those same practices to a new host of nonfiction and literary texts. As readers, students develop a vigilant awareness of how the poet, playwright, novelist, and writer of nonfiction alike can masterfully manipulate language to serve their unique purposes. As writers, students compose more nuanced analytical essays without losing sight of the importance of well-crafted sentences and a sense of cohesion. Each unit of Pre-AP English 2 culminates in a writing task that reflects the rigor of similar tasks they will eventually encounter on standardized writing exams, in AP English courses, and in college classes.
Classroom Management