VHS Classroom Management Plan
Behavior Standards
This classroom is a workplace, a learning environment that requires a business-like atmosphere. The goal is to create a place and atmosphere where you, your fellow students, and I can work and learn together. Every individual student shares in the responsibility for maintaining a climate where everyone’s work and efforts are respected, supported, and encouraged, and where everyone respects the need to concentrate in order to create quality work and meet high standards.
As students in our learning community, you are expected to:
Help create a courteous, cooperative atmosphere where everyone can concentrate on his/her work.
Take responsibility in making decisions regarding your work.
Keep your mind focused on your work and work hard all the time.
Be polite, courteous, and considerate of one another and one another’s space at all times.
Support, encourage, and assist your fellow students in their learning.
Come to class on time every day and be prepared to participate actively.
Use behavior and language at all times that is appropriate to school.
Talk in a respectful, conversational tone and listen courteously when other students are talking or when the teacher is addressing the class or asking questions.
Respect the speaker, whether it is the teacher, another staff member, or another student. Do not talk while another person is addressing the class.
Do everything possible to ensure that classroom furniture, equipment, and materials are properly conserved and cared for, displaying good stewardship.
Do not eat in the classroom. Drink only bottled water.
Turn off your electronic devices before coming to class and put them away in the tech locker.
Comply with VHS dress code policy.
Comply with all district and school expectations and regulations.
Classroom Procedures
While every day can vary some in terms of agenda, the following is a summary of some of the procedures this class will routinely follow:
Entering the classroom: You are to enter the classroom quietly and all cell phones will be turned off and placed in the Tech Locker in the assigned number slot for the class period, per HB 379. Students will retrieve cell phones upon dismissal from class. Students found to be in possession of a cell phone during instructional time will be subject to a disciplinary referral and a two-hour administrative detention. Students using or wearing AirPods, earbuds, or headphones during class will be subject to an after-school detention. Smartwatches may be worn, but should not be used to access smartphone capabilities. Using a smartwatch to access smartphone capabilities will result in a referral and two-hour administrative detention.
Leaving the classroom: You must ask the teacher if you need to leave the classroom. If approved, use SmartPass to create your pass. SmartPass will be used for all passes.
Tardies and Late Arrivals
If you arrive tardy to school after the bell rings, you should report to the front office for an admit slip. If you are more than a minute late, you will be categorized as being somewhere in the building without permission or be documented for a class cut. If you arrive at class one second after the bell rings to signal the start of class, you are considered tardy. The following is a breakdown of how tardies will be handled:
How many tardies can I have?
3rd - 4th unexcused tardy results in teacher to parent contact.
5th unexcused tardy results in referral issued by attendance clerk
6th - 9th tardies result in teacher to parent contact
10th unexcused tardy results in referral issued by attendance clerk
11+ Tardies will result in additional referrals
Dress Code Infractions
All dress code infractions will result in an afternoon detention. In addition, if a student is unable to correct the violation, administration will be contacted to remove the student until their dress code has been fixed.
Level 1 Infractions and Steps for Intervention
Teachers in the classroom will incorporate the following Classroom Behavior Management Plan Steps: when students choose to disregard classroom/school rules, disrupt the learning environment, or any other LEVEL 1 Infraction such as food/gum/candy/beverage, inappropriate display of affection, refusal to work, etc.
INTERVENTION STEPS: Clarify this is not daily; this is cumulative for the semester
Private conference with the student - WARNING
Private conference with the student - WARNING - next step will result in parent contact
Parent Contact - warning that the next occurrence will result in an assigned after-school detention
Parent contact and After-School Detention.
Parent contact and DISCIPLINE REFERRAL.
After-School Detention
Location: Building 6 - Room 115
Days: Wednesday and Thursday
Time: 2:45-3:25
*Detentions will not be rescheduled, unless a parent/guardian calls, provides written documentation, or if a student is absent on the day of detention.
*A student who breaks the behavior contract will face possible dismissal from VHS.
All academic work, written or otherwise, submitted by a student to an instructor, is expected to be the result of the student’s own thought, research, or self-expression. Students should consult with a teacher to obtain clarification pertaining to any plagiarism or cheating concerns.
Cheating: The use of Google, internet search engines, or any unauthorized chromebook usage during a quiz or test is considered cheating. Cheating includes having unauthorized information, and/or referring to unauthorized notes or other written or electronic information including the use of any AI source. Copying from others, copying or pasting from any source, or providing information during quizzes, tests, or in the preparation of projects and homework assignments, is a form of cheating. Students in violation of the individual teacher’s established expectations for any assignments may be considered as cheating.
Plagiarism: All directly quoted material, all paraphrased material, significant ideas, and organization must be acknowledged by proper citation and documentation as deemed acceptable by the instructor of the course. Plagiarism is the act of presenting ideas, words, or organization of a source, published or not as if they were the student’s own product.
Instances of cheating or plagiarism will result in a zero on the assignment and a referral to administration, which may include 1 day of OSS. Students enrolled in Dual Enrollment classes will also be subject to consequences determined by LSSC.