Existential #4

Lost Time

Marker, Colored Pencil

11 x 9 In

I created this piece to show an emphasis on the passing of time and the effect time has on inanimate objects left behind. In this piece specifically, I used a childhood teddy bear holding a watch to show this. I also created figures walking in the window to show that the person these toys, baby clothes, and teddy belonged to is now walking his own path and leaving them all behind.

This work began as a sketch which I then transferred onto white paper and then colored in with markers. I used Blick studio markers and created a shadowy and dark scene, depicting left behind items from childhood. I also used colored pencil briefly on the window to color in the skyline.

As my art developed I continued to darken the shadows and colors to create a stronger contrast with them all. I also changed some of the toys a little and labeled the boxes. I also did lots of experiments to figure out how I wanted to shade the boxes. I had to find the right colors which would compliment the teddy bear as well.