Elements and Principles of Design Diptych

7x9 and 7x9 in

Elements and Principles of Design

This is my Elements and Principles of Design Diptych. To start this project we originally started off with a chart which was our "matrix sketches" where we showed our understanding of each element of design when put with another, totalling to a lot of elements sketches. In my work you see lots of straight precise and only intentional marks because while creating this work I was thinking a lot about the idea that I wanted everything to be very symmetrical and measured out and every mark on the paper is measured to be in its perfect spot.

I chose to make this project because many people thought it was my best work on my matrix sketch and because I liked the basics of the pieces. I originally just had black in red with the ying yang on one side and the diamonds on the other but everyone was suggesting that I should fill more white space so I did that by adding my specific texts (the chinese to correspond with the ying yang and the morse code to correspond with the lines on the other piece). The side of the diptych with the ying yang is representing the "Balance of Space" and the one opposite with the diamond represents "Balance of Emphasis". Obviously, these two separate projects have a lot in common such as color, text, and that they both show the element of balance to make the diptych come together. For this project, I first sketched all my precise lines with a ruler and graphite then went over them with black or red sharpie. A few times I messed up by accidentally drawing lines that I had intended to be red black so you can also see the white up if you look very closely. For the gray diamonds and stripes I used a gray colored pencil to keep the theme of the color palate neutral and also allow the red to really pop.

If I had the opportunity to go back in time while working on this project I would take out the red corners in the ying yang side and make them gray rather than creating the gray striped but I also think this helped to fill lots of white space and overall I am proud of the project as it was much different than anything I've done before and it came out better than I expected.