Donate Life

9x12 in

Donate Life:

This is my donate life project, for this project we created a project for a competition to create art and raise awareness about organ and tissue donation. We had to create a positive and interesting message to represent this and I love painting or drawing animals so I decided to do my painting of pigs flying. I created this piece with acrylic paint then wrote the text on it using paint pens and thin sharpie outlining the white text.

When I was painting the sky I decided to keep the white and blue not super mixed to give it the look of a more realistic sky with texture which is one of my favorite techniques to use. As I was painting I also had pretty much no idea how I was going to incorporate the line "consider organ and tissue donation" and mix it with "when pigs fly" so after I had finished all the pigs and everything I decided the best option would be "pigs will fly when you can save another life... consider organ and tissue donation".

If I was to go back to working on this project there isn't really anything I would add because I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out, but I would probably lighten the clouds a little so they were more white and less yellow than they are now. I also tried to erase some of the pencil lines that you can see peeking through but unfortunately they are not wanting to move so I learned to be more careful when using graphite on top of paint.