Sustained Investigation #5



15 x 8 In

This is my Sustained Investigation #5 which I created using the Acorn Drawing app. In this piece, I wanted to push the contrast of me and my dog especially on the hair which was kind of hard to do digitally because I'm still learning how to use Acorn. I recreated a selfie I took while on my boat with my dog and my dad and I chose to make this work because I really liked the picture, my dog looks super cute in it and it's unlike other works I have done. I also thought as I said before that I would have lots of contrast in this idea which I wanted to focus on pushing more in my sustained investigations.

This work was made digitally as I mentioned before using the paintbrush and bucket tool on Acorn and by layering the photograph underneath what I was drawing. I use a technique of zooming in a ton on the parts that I want to be the most realistic such as eyes, so that I can get really precise with the paintbrush and when I zoom out it is more real than if I had done it like the other parts of the artwork.

My project evolved a lot because I kept doing parts then not being happy with them and redoing them, meaning it took me a while to get this project done. However, I ended up being really happy with the end product and I don't think there is anything about it that I would go back and change if I could. I think this is one of my strongest pieces in my sustained investigation and it is what I turned into the Scholastic competition.