


For my WhatchamaDRAWit project in art this year I decided to make two versions. For my first version of my whatchamaDRAWit I pulled a card that said to draw a truck with legs so for some reason I immediately decided to draw trucks with flamingo legs, a mom and her son truck. My second card I pulled said to draw a pirate pig and a royal shrimp on a seesaw together.

This inspired me to have the shrimp flying off the seesaw into the pigs’ mud pit because I thought it would be funny. Both works were created the same way, with graphite for the outline and original work then some of the parts of the works were colored in with colored pencil.

My projects both evolved a lot because I never planned on adding color to them but I realized it would make certain parts pop and it would look better like that. If I was to go back and continue work on this project I think I would probably add more color and make certain parts of the images more visible but also keep it very cartoon-like because I think that is how I imagine a WhatchamaDRAWit.