AP Art and Design

Semester 1 Reflection

This semester I think I have seen the biggest improvements in my art since I started art class. My parent have been shocked when they see my art this year and they ask me how I've gotten so much better, and the only answer I have is time and practice. This year I feel like a lot of my practice has paid off and I remember being frustrated in previous years when I couldn't just think of an idea for a piece and perfectly get it down as I had imagined on the paper. However, I realized that's really not the point of making art, and when your ideas change and develop into other things on the page it's actually a good thing. So, overall this semester I think my biggest successes were being happy with my work that didn't come out like the first time I thought of the inspiration. At the beginning of the semester mostly I struggled with due dates and having my work ready in time but as the semester has gone on and I have gotten more of an idea of the time I have for the pieces I've improved on that. For the second semester, my art goals would be to keep branching out and trying new mediums and types of paper. I really love painting so I imagine myself mostly sticking to that but also incorporating new styles and techniques.