Inclusion Project

9x12 in

Inclusion Project:

This was my inclusion project which is based around creating a piece that showed how the disabled community is not treated fairly and our assignment was to show an example of this or a way to correct it. The story behind my work is just a person in a wheelchair was going along a path and saw some kids playing with a ball, the kids aren't including the kid in the wheelchair so on the top I wrote "Include Everyone" to correct what was going on in the scene. I was inspired to do this project because I know some kids at school who have physical disabilities. This is made completely out of acrylic paint except for the quote which I used paint pen and stencils to create. When I was creating this work I began by sketching it all out, and then I painted on the sky first because it is lighter than the grass and people that connect to it. After doing the grass then the people with their ball, I painted in the pathway and on top of it all finally did the quote. My project ended up not evolving that much because it was a pretty simple concept that I planned out beforehand and it ended up looking much like I had hoped.