Negative Space Drawing

In this assignment, we were asked to be able to show understanding of negative space. To do this, we were asked to draw the negative space of both leaves, and a pile of stools. From there we decorate only the negative space in any way we thought appropriate. The pieces I drew are only the negative space of the stools and the leaves. For these projects, I chose a very colorful route, using red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple colored pencils, and a normal pencil at first to draw the out lines of the negative space.

For this project, I used the elements of color, being the design within the negative space, there's line, which is the general shapes that make the negative space, there's shape, for each of the pieces of negative space, there is a a specific shape that is the negative space. For principles of design, to try and make it seem that one section in the piece didn't stand out, or feel off. Emphasis, of course, for I put emphasis on the negative space. Each piece kept the same color pattern throughout. Originally, for the one on the right, the border lines that made up the negative space were originally pencil, and very hard to see. This lead to the piece looking out of place, and very empty. I changed this by coloring over these lines, which adding unity to the piece, and made it feel less empty. For the one on the left, my original idea had almost no leaves leaving the page. I decided to change this because I thought it would overall make my piece look better.

Neither of the pieces really have a meaning, or any story behind them. I merely chose colors I enjoyed and that were available. Again, neither of the pieces relate to my life in any specific way. The things I am proudest of in these pieces are the feeling of unity, and how nothing stands out awkwardly. I am also proud about the effort I put into the pieces, so they turned out how I wanted them too. For the one on the right, I struggled with unity, and making it all fit in. I also struggled with ideas for the designs in the middle shapes. I overcame these struggles by testing different designs on another piece of paper, to see what I would like. For the one on the right, I struggled with a good pattern. I ended up with this pattern, which I enjoy, though to make it stronger I would have liked to back and try a different selection of colors and pattern. For the one on the right, to make it stronger I would like to go back into the middle shapes, and fix the ones with patterns I don't really like.