collage painting

For this assignment, we were asked to create a collage using numerous different magazines, and then paint the outcome on a separate piece of paper. So, I cut out numerous animals, a scenic view of clouds and a mountain, and pasted them upon in a sort of random fashion. For this, I used many magazines, a piece of paper, the light board, and acrylic paints.

In this project, I used many different elements and principles of art. For elements, I used color, value, and shape. Within principles, I used balance, pattern, and emphasis. Color was used throughout the project, and created the final piece. Value was used mainly for the background, which gave the piece a nicer feel, and made it more pleasant to the eyes. And shape was used mainly for the animals. Using their shapes, it is easy to figure out how the animal is drawn and painted. Within principle, balance was within the clouds and mountain, and allowed for a good contrast within the background. Pattern was put within the animals, along with their placement. Pattern flows mainly with the color, and adds emphasis to the main pieces of this assignment. Originally, my piece was only going to be an assortment of animals, but I ended up finding miniature hats and such, which I later added to the piece.

There is no specific meaning behind this picture, and along with that it doesn't directly relate to my life. What I am most proud of in this assignment would be the fish at the top. They show good color blending and overall really stand out. I struggled a lot with the tiger, his shape is off, and the colors feel rushed. If I could change something, it would be the amount of time I put on this project. I would have put more time into the tiger and the clouds.