Abstract Shoe Drawing

In this assignment, first we were asked to draw three views of our own shoe. These views being a top view, side view, and a front view. We drew these on a large piece of paper. After this, we were than asked to make use a spot finder to zoom in on a spot on our shoe, and continue to zoom in three different times. We drew these on another large piece of paper. Then, we chose one of the three zoomed in drawings and drew it on another large piece of paper. We then drew an abstract design based on this zoomed in drawing. To do all of these drawings I needed a shoe, colored pencils, a normal pencil, an eraser and a ruler.

In this project I used elements of art such as line, color, shape, and space. These elements make up the principles of design within my project, such as balance, pattern, and unity. To make unity I placed similar patterns and colors on either side, and used roughly the same colors. This added balance and unity to my piece. My project originally was going to be just a bunch of pointless colors, but I ended up making more things that related to my life, such as the tennis racket in the middle. I soon ran out of ideas and went back to the plain colors and shapes.

This project that I made doesn't really tell a story, for it is mostly just abstract shapes and patterns, but I added a tennis racket in the middle of the paper. This is because I very much enjoy tennis and play it often, so I added this to my piece. The thing that I am proudest about this piece is the patterns that I drew on either side of the piece. I think that this adds a perfect amount of balance that the piece needed. Somewhere I struggled in this piece is coming up with ideas that I would be able to draw well. Many of the ideas I had involved very difficult drawings, and in the time I had and the skill in drawing I have I was unable to implement many of these ideas. I overcame this challenge by adding things I am good at drawing, such as shapes that go well together and different patterns. If I could go back and change something I would change the amount of time I would have spent coming up with ideas for this project.