Advanced Studio Design

Advanced art studio allowed me to look on my artistic ability, and really hone in on what I want to learn art wise. This lead to a ton of anatomy studies, practices of different dynamic poses, and overall a great deal of awesome characters which I loved drawing. This class has really allowed me to understand my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to the kind of art I like, so overall this class has been incredibly beneficial to me.

This year, overall, the main overlook would be the sustained investigation projects. These projects were by far the most beneficial and interesting of this year. This is because we were allowed to chose the topic of what we were going to draw. So, since I have a love for character design, I focused on working on my weakness, which is dynamic poses. This year I took a look at a variety of different dynamic poses, all with the intent to get a different emotion or action across. I think over this semester I seriously progressed in my abilities to draw poses. I focused on looking at a ton of different body types too, so I could draw dynamic drawings no matter the subject.

Advanced studio art has been by far the most crucial and beneficial art class I have taken. It has allowed me to realize what I must work on outside of this class, and also how to effectivly work on what I want to learn in my art.

Final Reflection: Throughout this class, I worked hard to move out of my comfort zone and really work on the things that interest me in art. So, I worked a ton this year on character design and dynamic poses, which has really worked to make me a much stronger artist than before. I think my work has shown improvement in every new piece, as the poses continue to get more and more dynamic and challenging for me to create. The biggest thing this class has done through this year is show me my strengths and weaknesses. Specifically, my characters poses and dynamic settings are a really strong point, creating some of my most interesting pieces I ever have. I worked a lot on character design, and I believe that it really shows this year. However, especially on earlier pieces, there are a ton of weaknesses that must be addressed. Specifically, my inability to create interesting or any background at all. I believe that having a background would really take my art to the next level, and would allow me to truly create more stories around my characters, however with where I am now, I am mainly just creating dynamic characters with no setting. There is also the problem of lack of color. As I continued through the year, I worked more on adding color and creating more appealing pieces. The beginning of the year however is very weak, and overall dull in comparison. I think that working more on color would make my pieces and characters look much better, and overall stand out much more. What was most challenging about this year for me was certainly time management, as the pandemic made it much harder to keep up with work. Along with that, there was a major challenge of taking my characters one step further when making dynamic poses. I am most proud of my progress this year, and how I managed to persevere through a really tough year. and continue working on my art and making it significantly better with every piece. Throughout this summer, I really plan to spend a bunch of time each week to really flesh out the parts of my art that I want to be better, and really focus on what I might want to do in the future. I truly don't have any real future plans, but at bare minimum I plan on keeping art as an enjoyable hobby.